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" kacchan, let's tie this strings to each other's pinky!"  Called out a soft voice towards the other. Currently the two were under a shade of tree, with their little tent made of a simple white blanket and some sticks to keep it from falling down.  The blonde was busy trying to draw their favorite hero, all might. Drawing all might was what they had agreed to do after an hour of just playing tag all over the place. 

Even if the blonde child doesn't want to admit, from all the running and hiding he felt a little tired through he was just too embarrassed to admit it. Thinking that it would make him less cool in the eyes of his playmate. But thankfully the smaller child had suggested that they go on a break by drawing all might while eating some snacks provided by their mothers.  Certainly a mini picnic while trying to draw  all might was a good idea.

Once he heard the smaller child's voice, he turned his gaze at him and saw him holding a ball of red yarn, cutting it in a bit long before the green headed handed him the other end of the said yarn.  Confused, the blonde held it as he look at the string, then back to the smaller male. " what? Why should we do that?" He asked clearly confused as he examine the said thing given by his playmate.

Grinning, the smaller child began to tie the other end on his pinky. " mom read a book about re-in or being reborn something last night with me. According to the book, when we die, we get to be reborn once more. So by using this , maybe we can find each other again in the next life?" He happily suggested as he smiled even more at him. Taking in the features of his playmate.

The blond frowned a bit as he gaze at the string once more as if it was an offending thing. " that is stupid deku. There's no such thing as that. " he replied as he set the string down on the ground. Even if at a very young age, the two were quite smart so he doesn't easily believe those things.  Going back to his drawing, he picked up a blue crayon and continued coloring his drawing.

While the other pout as he looked at his playmate. Picking up the other end that was supposed to be for his playmate, he went closer to him  and makes a puppy eyes. " come on kacchan.  You won't loose anything if you do this with me. Besides, if ever there is such thing, don't you wanna see me again? Its just for fun kacchan.  " he tried reasoning at the other, hoping he would reconsider.

  But sadly, the blonde doesn't  really want to, since he thought it seems pointless. Like how was a tiny string supposed to help someone find someone if there was really such thing?  Continuing his work without even glancing at the other he replied. " nope. " popping the 'p' teasingly.  He did not dare to look at the other, in fear of seeing his hypnotic puppy eyes. Those puppy eyes that won't allow you to say no. 

Crossing his arms on his chest, the green headed child turned his back at him grumpily. " I didn't knew kacchan would chicken out in something as simple as this. " he mumbled, a bit purposely . trying to provoke the other in doing what he wish.  Frowning, the blond whipped his head back at his deku, snatching the other end at the smaller male without any word and began to tie it on his pinky.  The green headed child had to hide his grin as he watch his playmate do as what he want to.

" there! Happy now deku? Don't you dare  say those words again , you hear me? I'm not the one who easily chicken out.  I wasn't the one who started crying  yesterday at that mansion. " he reminded the smaller male so that he would stop that smug look on his face. His deku pout a bit, remembering the events of yesterday when they had carried on with the blond's idea to go play heroes at the haunted house.  He remember how he had teared up when he had accidentally tripped , and scream whenever the wind would blew the doors and the windows.  He was a cowering and tearing up mess yesterday. All hiding at the back of the blond , while holding tightly on his shirt.

It had irritated the blond for a bit but he had also felt bad for scarring his playmate. Especially whenever he would remember those big green eyes tearing up in fear. In the end, with less than 10 minutes, the blond had dragged the smaller male out of the said haunted mansion.

Trying to change the topic, the green headed child looked at his playmate once more. " now the book said we have to make a promise while this strings were both tied at our pinky. " he said softly , lifting his pinky where the string is tied up. " I promise to find you in every lifetime kacchan and be always with you."  The green headed child said happily as he smiled at the other. No, it wasn't just those words that kids would suddenly blurt out , out of nowhere. The blonde could tell that the other was serious about it, even through he was all smiling , since he could see in those green eyes that he sincerely mean it. That he would always be there for the blonde whether he likes it or not.

Grinning, as he looked back at the smaller kid, he raised his pinky finger. " stupid deku,  I promise I'll be the number one hero, an even better than all might! And of course, you'll always be my partner deku! Even through I know I will be better than you. "   he teased softly at the end, looking at the reaction his playmate would be through nothing had change since he still have that cute smile as he giggles softly. " of course! We will be great heroes in the future kacchan when we get our quirks. "  his deku agreed as he continued smiling at him.


Few months have quickly gone by after they swore to each other those vows, the blond headed child had develop his quirk. It was a tiny but noticeable explosions, making almost everybody look at the blond child with amazement, be either his teachers or friends and even his parents. He was showered with plenty of praises almost every time he would let out his quirk around everyone.  It was fun for the blonde, to be praised, admire by everyone was a great feeling. He felt as if he was ten feet tall with the praises he received from others, as well as the sudden attention almost from everyone from his school, earning him the tittle of the kid with the strongest quirk in their school.

It made him feel proud , loving the praises and the attentions he was receiving, especially the praises and the awed look on his favorite playmate whenever he would show him his quirk. He never gets tired, hearing how much his deku praise him. Adoring him as if he was the second soon to be all might.

He might not be aware of it but he certainly , and greedily wants the attention of the smaller male all to himself. 

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