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5 days later game day
Melo's pov
It was Saturday which mean's game day we were supposed to go to Chicago for an away game but the schedule changed now they are coming to la I'm fine with that because then my mum and dad and kairo can come to mine and zo's game. We had just finished practice now zo and I are heading to my parents house to pick up kairo they babysat for me while I was at practice.
" melo bro are you ready to go" zo said waiting for me.
"Yeah I'm just getting my bag" I said picking up my bag and walking towards zo walking out the door. Half way to my parents house my phone started ringing it was my dad.
"Hey pops wussup" I said through the phone.
"How long are you guys gonna be kairo is throwing up and she's crying for you" my dad said over the phone.
" not long we are about 20 minutes away but what did she eat because she was fine when I dropped her off this morning" I asked my dad I could hear kai crying in the background.
" she had grilled cheese and some avocado on the side" my dad said I groaned.
" dad you know cheese makes her sick" I said getting a little annoyed.
" it wasn't that much cheese I thought it was a lot of cheese that makes her sick not small amounts" my dad said.
"Okay we are about 10 minutes I'll see you soon bye " I said hanging up the phone.
" what's wrong " zo asked turning down our parents street and driving into the driveway.
" dad gave kairo a grilled cheese and now she vomiting" I said getting out of the car and walking into the parents house.
" we are back " I said walking into the kitchen I see my mum and dad.
" hey ma" I said giving her a hug. "Hey pops where's kai" I said doing our hand shake.
"Hey son she's in your old room watching cartoons her vomiting's stop your mum gave her some medicine for it" my dad said.
"Okay I'm gonna go check on my baby" I said walking out of the kitchen and up the stairs to my old room where kai was laying on my bed.
" hey daddy's baby" I said getting on the bed laying next to her.
" hey daddy" kai said almost half asleep.
" you not feeling to good huh princess" I said pulling her onto my chest her arms are around my neck and her head is laying on my shoulder.
" I'm feeling a little better grandma gave me some medicine to help me feel better" kai said.
" do you want to lay here for a bit longer or leave now" I asked my daughter who was almost asleep on my chest. Kairo was pretty much asleep so I gently moved her from my chest to the bed tucked her in and walked out of the room leaving the door open a crack. I walked down the stairs into the kitchen.

"How's kai" my dad asked.
"She's asleep at the moment which is good because over the last 3 days we've both probably slept for about 4 hours" I said leaning against the bench. Kairo has been struggling a lot lately with her insomnia most of the time she sleeps in my bed. At the moment kairo and are sharing my bed. If it's going to help her sleep then she can sleep in my bed for as long as she wants.

" I'm hungry practice was crazy today" zo said
" yeah I could eat" I said agreeing with zo
"What do y'all want to eat we got bacon and egg bagel" big baller said.
" yes please" both zo and I said.
" go ask your mum and gelo if they want one" big baller said.
" okay where's gelo" i said to my dad.
" he's in his room" my dad said.
I walked out of the kitchen into the living room.
" ma do you want a egg and bacon bagel" I asked.
" yes please with cheese" she said I nodded walking up the stairs to gelo's room. I knocked on the door and walked into gelo's room.
" gelo bro do want " I stoped in my tracks gelo had a half naked girl on his lap making out with her.
" oh my god melo have you ever heard of knocking" he said as the girl ran into the bathroom gelo has in his room.
" oh my innocent eyes" I said covering them. " and I did knock but you didn't answer so I thought you were playing PlayStation with headphones on" I said.
" what did you come in here for anyway" gelo said clearly annoyed.
" big ballers making bacon and egg bagels do you want one" i said .
" yeah I'll have one" gelo said.
"Okay " I said walking out of the room I checked on kai she was still a sleep. I walked down the stairs into the kitchen.
"Gelo and mum both want one mum wants cheese on her's" I said to my dad He nodded.
"Daddy" I heard kairo calling me walking down the stairs.
" I'm in the kitchen kai" I said. She walks in rubbing her eyes still waking up properly from her nap.
" how are you feeling baby" I said to kairo picking her up.
" a lot better daddy" kairo said playing with my one of my chains that I got specially made it's a picture of me and Kais mum.
" bagels are ready" my dad said.
" ooo yes I'm so hungry" zo said coming into the kitchen rubbing his stomach.
" do want one kai" I asked she shook her head no.
"Okay " I said looking on my phone and eating my bagel. I finished one half and went to pick up the other half but it wasn't there I looked down at my plate the other half of my bagel had been taken. I looked at kairo who was eating the other half of my bagel every one was laughing except for me.
" aye that's mine" I said kairo laughed harder.
" I sowy daddy I was hungry" she said laughing.
" aww how can you be mad at the face" zo said putting his face against kiaro's. He's right though how can you be mad at her cute face.

Time skip to the basketball ball game

It was now 7pm we had just got to the stadium I parked the car and turned it off. I unbuckled kairo and got her out of the car. I grabbed my bag out of the car. I put kairo down so she could walk.

" hold my hand kai" i said reaching down for her hand. Kairo held my hand we were walking into the stadium when I heard some call my name.

" melo" I heard I turn around it was Kayla and 2 of her friends walking up to me and kairo. We haven't really spoken since we met.
"Hey mamas wassup" I said pulling her into a hug.
" hey kairo" Kayla said to kai.
" hi kaywa I sowey for hitting you" kairo said to Kayla.
" it's okay honey" Kayla said to kairo bending down giving her a hug.
" are y'all watching the game " I said to Kayla
"Of course had to show my support" Kayla said smiling lifting up her hoodie showing my jersey underneath it.
"Thanks for the support ma" said to Kayla winking at her she blushed a little bit.
" oh how rude of me theses are my friends Kim and Leah" Kayla said pointing to the girls.
" hi" they both said I said hi back.
"Where are y'all sitting" I said to Kayla.
"3rd row from the back" Kayla said.
"  nah come in with me and kai y'all can sit court side with Kai and my family" I said as kai reached out for kayla's hand to hold while we were walking into the stadium. We got into the stadium kai was holding mine and Kayla's hands. Kayla's friends kim and Leah were walking behind us. I found gelo, mum and dad and my mums mum noni and my dads dad big yank. There were 4 seats next to gelo on the end for kai and Kayla and her friends.
" hey ma ,pops, big yank, noni and gelo" I said giving my mum and noni and kiss on the cheek. "This is Kayla ,Kim and Leah they are gonna sit with Kai and watch the game" I said to my family. They all said hi to each other.
"Kai your gonna sit here with Kayla while daddy plays basketball" I said kneeling in front of kairo.
"Otay daddy " she said nodding her head.
"Okay give daddy a good luck kiss" I said turn my head pointing to my cheek.
" good lucky daddy" kai said kissing my cheek.
" aww you guys are so cute daddy daughter goals" Kayla said smiling at me and kairo I smiled back at her.
"Alright I Gotta go warm up I'll see you after the game kai be good for Kayla" i said we'll walking onto the court.
It was now the last 90 seconds of the game the score was 99 to 101 the away team was 101 I was at the 3 point line zo had the ball.
" zo I'm open I can make the shot" I said with my hands up ready to catch the ball. Zo through me the ball I took the shot it went in the hoop as the buzzer went off. The crowd went crazy.
" yay daddy you did it" kairo said getting out of her chair running up to me I picked her up and spun her around in my arms we both had big smiles on our face. She gave me a big kiss on the cheek. My family came up to me and zo and congratulate us on our win.

I was getting ready to leave I had kairo walking next to me holding my hand. My family and I were all going out to get something to eat to celebrate the win. Everyone had already left to go to the restaurant kai and were gonna meet everyone there.

"Alright kai you hungry" I said to kairo while walking to the car.
"Yes daddy I'm so hungry" kairo said to me.
"Alright let get in the car and get something to eat" I said to kairo. I put kairo in the car I got in driver's side and drove off. After about 15 minutes we were at the restaurant I parked the car and got out then got kairo out.

"Hey y'all " I said sitting down at the table. Everyone said hi back.
"What do you want to eat kairo" I said looking at the menu.
"Sushi pwease daddy" kairo said.
We all ate and chat for while then we went home I had just put kairo to bed. She fell asleep in the car so I put her in her own bed. I was laying in my bed watching tv I felt my phone buzz it was a text from Kayla.
Kayla 😌
You do amazing tonight congrats on the win ☺️

Why thank you mamas you must have been my good luck charm😉

Kayla 😌
Goodnight melo ☺️

Goodnight mamas 😌
I put my phone on charge and decided to call it a night my eyes got heavy and I fell as sleep.

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