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One month later
Melo's POV

" daddy kaywa " kairo came running into the living room where Kayla and I were watching tv.

" what's the matter baby" I said to my upset daughter. She climbed into my lap and put her head in the crook my neck and just burst into tears.

" hey hey baby girl what's the matter" I said rubbing her back.
"Ryder is being mean she hit me and took my toy" kairo cried

" baby take a beep breath calm down your gonna make your self sick" I said rubbing her back calming her down.
" I'll go and deal with Ryder" Kayla said getting up and going upstairs into kairo's play room. Ryder is Kayla's little sister she's the same age as kairo. Over the past month me and Kayla have been hanging out a lot I found out that kai and Ryder go to the same kindergarten just in different classes so they are in a different part of the kinder.

"go and apologise for hitting kairo and taking her toy" I could hear Kayla talking to Ryder.

" no I don't want to" Ryder said now crying because she got in trouble.
" we are going home then if you can't say sorry or play nice we will go home" Kayla said which made Ryder cry harder. Kayla is the only Parent Ryder knows when Kayla was 15 and Ryder was a couple of months old their parents passed away in a car accident. They were going to be put in split foster care home's but Kayla was a couple months off turning 16 and they saw how mature she was for her age so they let Ryder stay with Kayla and they got them an apartment for them to live until Kayla turned 18. She is 18 now and has her own place and a pretty good job.
I was pulled out of thoughts from hearing Ryder crying still.
" why don't we get some dinner and watch a movie" I said.
"That's probably a good idea they are both probably hungry and tired" Kayla said.
" okay kai and ry what do you feel like for dinner I said looking at kairo on my lap and Ryder on Kayla's lap.
"McDonald's daddy pwease" kairo said looking up at me. I smiled at her " okay what about you ry" I said looking over at Ryder who has now calmed down.
"McDonald's pwease" Ryder said.
" what about you mamas" I said looking over at Kayla.
" I'll just have McDonald's as well" Kayla said looking at me.
"Okay McDonald's it is I'll get Kairo and Ryder a happy meal each with chicken nuggets and sprite" I said looking up at both kairo and Ryder and they both nodded their heads. " okay Kay what do you want" I asked looking up from my phone.
" can I get a chicken and cheese burger meal with a Vanilla Coke and 10 nuggets for us to share with sweet and sour source please" Kayla said.
" okay I just ordered it it should be here in 15 minutes" I said looking at Kay she nodded her head.

" ry are you ready to say sorry to kai" Kayla said looking down at Ryder who is still in her lap.
"I'm sowy kai for hitting you and taking your toy" Ryder said leaning over and giving kai a hug. Aww there so cute I thought.
After about 15 our food came we ended up watching toy story because that's kairo's favourite movie. We ate our food by the end of the movie kai was asleep on my lap she's been doing really good with sleeping lately. Ryder was asleep on Kayla's lap it was currently 9pm.
"Do you want to stay the night it's to late to travel home you can put ry in kais room she has a spare bed in there" I said to Kayla.
"Yes please where am I sleeping" Kayla asked as we got up walking up the stairs into kai's room and putting the girls in the beds and walking out leaving the door open a crack.

" in my bed with me" I said to Kayla.
" Um are you sure melo" she asked.
" yeah here you can sleep in these" I said handing her a shirt and boxers.
"Thank you" she said walking into the bathroom to get changed.

I was already dressed I was just wearing sweatpants to bed. Kayla came out of the bathroom and I'm not gonna lie she was a very beautiful girl.

Kayla came and sat next to me on the bed watching tv with me. Kayla looked at me.
"Melo" Kayla said.
"Yeah mamas" I said looking at her.
" if you don't mind me asking where's kairo's mum" she asked I stayed silent for a minute Kayla noticed " I'm sorry you don't have to answer that it's none of my business I shouldn't of asked" Kayla said regretting asking me.
" Kay it's okay when I was 15 I met kairo's mum her name was maya we had been together for a year before we found out she was pregnant we were 16 when we found out. Maya and I were born on the same day it was our 17th birthday maya was 6 months pregnant she said she was having some pain in her stomach we went to the hospital when we got there that took us in straight away and they said that she was fine it was just braxton Hicks and they sent us home. 2 months later maya went into early labour we didn't think anything of it we just thought kai wanted to come out earlier. We got to the hospital they put us in a room maya was in labour for 6 hours and her body wasn't making the progress it should have been so they decided that they were gonna do an emergency c-section and and 20 minutes later kai was born"

I paused with tears in my eyes this is the first time I've ever told anybody this besides my family because they were with us at the hospital. Kayla put her hand on my shoulder.
"It's okay Melo you don't have to say anymore if you don't want to" Kayla said wiping my tears away.
"No it's okay" I said as I continue.
" everything was fine they stitched maya up and we were in the hospital room with kairo having some family time and out of no where maya past out and the machines were going off the doctors and nurses came in and said I had to leave they took kai out of my arms no one was telling me anything except that I had to leave. An hour later mayas doctor came out and told me that she had passed they said her body wasn't strong to carry kai because she was anaemic that's why she was had stomach pains and that why kai came early but maya and I didn't know that she was anaemic because when went to the hospital 2 months before kai was born because they had just said that it was braxton hicks and she didn't feel any of the symptoms from it except for the stomach pains that we were told were braxton hicks the day kai was born was the best day because I got my beautiful daughter but also the worst day because I lost the love of my life" I said at this point Kayla and I were both balling our eyes out.
" oh my god Melo I'm sorry you had to go through that on your own and at such a young age" Kayla said wiping mine and her tears away and giving me a hug.
" your the first person I've told that outside of my family even though we've only known each other a short time you really are my best friend Kayla and I'm glad I met you that day out side of the store" I said. " we'll except for the part that kai hit you" I said we both laughed.
" I'm glad I met you to mello" Kayla said with a smile.
After that we cuddled and watched tv for a little bit and drifted of to sleep.

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