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Melo's POV
It's been a couple months since mine and maya's argument I haven't heard anything from her since then. She hasn't come to see Kai for a few months and to be honest kai doesn't seem to fazed about it. My mum and dad are going to Hawaii and invited me and my brothers and Denise and Kayla and Ryder. I decided it would be good for me and kai to go on a family trip after the last couple of months my baby definitely deserve it and it gives me a kai some daddy daughter time.

I'm currently on my way to pick kai up from kindergarten then pack some last minute stuff then head to the airport and meet my family for a trip.

After a short car drive I was at kai's kindergarten I got out of the car and headed to the door of her class.

" daddy" kairo can running up to me with a smile on her face.

" hey baby" I said picking her kissing all over her face.

" daddy stop" she said giggling I laughed a little bit.

" okay baby I'll stop but your just so cute" I said giggling. " I gotta sign you out while I do that do you want to go get your bag" I said put kai down.

" otay daddy I'll be back" kairo said.

After I signed her out we drove home and packed our bags loaded up the car and drove to the airport. We checked our bags and got on the private jet my parents got for me, kai, Kayla, Ryder, Denise and my brothers.

" daddy I'm scared" kai said getting out of her seat and sat on my lap.

" there's nothing to be afraid of princess I'm here" I said to kai rubbing her back to calm her down.

" melo did you tell maya that you were taking kai to Hawaii" Denise asked sitting in her seat.

" no why should I have to" I said.

" well some how she found out and now her and her family are blasting you on social media" Denise said showing me her phone. I rolled my eyes.

" was I supposed to tell I mean why should I have told her if she said no I would have done it anyway she has no say when it comes to things like this I'm kairo's parent I know she is to but because of her mistakes she doesn't get a say in what I do with my daughter during the week just ignore it I'll talk to her" I said. I took my phone out and texted maya.

Why you blasting me on social.

What gives you the right to take kairo out of state with out informing me.

Maya I don't want to hear it you haven't see Kai in months I knew I shouldn't have let you back in her life because your just walking out again I'm done with it I'm not going to let you come in and out of her life you have until I get back from vacation to decide weather or not you want to me be in kairo's life.

She didn't reply I turned my phone off for the rest of the flight. Kai and I decided to take a nap before I knew it we had landed in Hawaii.

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