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Melo's POV

" daddy" I felt a small hand tap my cheek a few times. I open my eyes sitting on me was kairo. gia and maddy were sitting next to her on the bed.

" mm good morning baby morning girls" I said.

" good morning mr ball" gia and maddy said.

" daddy we are hungry" kairo said tracing the tattoo I got of her name and date when she was born on my shoulder.

" okay what do you guys feel like for breakfast" I asked the girls.

" waffles and berries" kai said.

" do you want waffles" I asked gia and maddy.

" could I please have pancakes" maddy asked.

" sure what about you gia what would you like" I asked.

" I don't like waffles or pancakes" gia said.

" that's okay I can make you something else what about French toast" I asked.

" yes please" gia said with a smile.

" alright then let's get cooking" I said smiling.

We got out of bed and walked down stairs. I put the tv on for the girls and went into the kitchen.

" yooo" I heard someone come through the front door.

" uncle zo" I heard kai say.

" hi munchkin" I heard zo say.

" these are my friends gia and maddy" kai said to zo.

" hi I'm kai's uncle zo" zo said.

" hi" gia and maddy said.

" where's your dad kai" zo asked.

" I'm in the kitchen bro" I yelled.

" yo it smells so good in here what are you cooking" zo asked walk into the kitchen.

" pancakes, waffles and French toast" I said flipping the batch of the pancakes.

" I'm hungry you got enough for me" zo asked.

" yeah I got enough what's up bro" I said dipping the bread in the eggs and putting it in the pan.

" I just thought I'd come by I haven't seen my niece and wanted to see her but you have her friends over" zo said.

" you can stay for breakfast if you want" I said laughing.

" oh I'm definitely staying" zo said laughing. " so how's everything with maya" zo asked.

" it's amazing bro we are actually communicating and getting along she coming with us to the park today" i said with a smile.

" that's great bro" zo said.

" girls foods ready" I yelled from the kitchen. The girls came running in.

After breakfast zo left, I got the girls ready and we headed off to get maya. After a short ride we were at maya's house I texted that I was here. 5 minutes later she came out.

" mummy" kai said.

"Hi baby, hi girls" maya said.

" hi" they said back.

" hi pooh" I said with a smile.

" hi melly" maya said.

" oh before I forget kayla Ryder and gelo are meeting us at the park" I said.

" oh really" maya said with a bit of attitude.

" what's wrong" I said.

" nothing it's just that your friend Kayla said some pretty nasty things and hasn't apologised for it" maya said.

" like what had she said" I asked.

" just that I was selfish for only thinking about me and I was a horrible mother" maya said. I didn't say anything because I thought she was selfish as well but I'd never think she was a horrible mother.
" what you agree" maya said.

" not with the horrible mother part" I said.

" so you think I was selfish" maya said.

" we aren't having this conversation in front of the kids" I said. She didn't say anything she just faced the window for the rest of the trip.

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