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Melo's POV
" kairo come on we are gonna miss our plane" i yelled to my daughter from down stairs. Today we are flying to New Orleans we have a game against the pelicans tomorrow night usually I wouldn't bring kairo if I'm travelling because then she misses Thursday and Friday of kinder but I am this trip because I feel like over the last couple of months we haven't really had daddy daughter time and Denise is coming to this game so she's gonna look after kai during the game.
" I'm coming daddy I didn't know which teddy to bring" kai said walking down the stairs. I laughed a little bit.
" which one did you decide on bringing baby" I asked.
" I'm bringing blue daddy" kai said. Blue is a bear that me and mya bought her before she was born we got a speaker put into it with mine and mya's voice so when you press the heart you can hear me and mya saying how much we love kai.
" good choice baby" I said.
" I'm ready daddy" kai said.
" okay baby girl let go" i said picking up our bags kai followed me out of the house I locked the front door. I put everything in the car and put kai in her seat and buckle her in. I got into the driver side and headed towards the airport.
" kai are you excited to come away with daddy" I asked looking at kai through the review mirror.
" yes daddy I am but I'm a wittle scared about the pwane" kai said.
" it's okay baby I'll be right there with you and it's just gonna be me, you, uncle zo and auntie Denise on the plane and we can watch a movie or we colour" I said to kai. Zo and I decided to go half's on a private get.
" Otay daddy" kairo said.
After a 30 minute drive we were at the airport we met zo and Denise at the plane. We got on the plane I noticed kai I was very quiet and wouldn't leave my side.  I went to ask her what's wrong but got cut off by the Captain speaking through the intercom.
" good afternoon this is your captain speaking we are about to take off if you could put you seat belts on and turn off all devices that would be great thank you we will be landing in New Orleans in 4 hours enjoy your flight" the captain said.
" daddy I can't I'm really scared I wonna go home" kai said hanging on to me for dear life with tears in her eyes.
" hey baby it's okay we just gotta sit in our seats and put our seat belt on and then we will take off and be flying" I said to kai try to calm her down.
" no daddy I'm scared can I sit in your lap" kai said with tears streaming down her face hiding her face in my neck.
" shhh okay baby you can stay here but I need put our seat belt on" I said rubbing her back. The flight attendant came over.
" we are about to take off we gotta put this little munchkin in her seat" the flight attendant said.
" I know she has to sit in her seat but she having a little flight anxiety is it possible for her to sit in my lap" I said the flight attendant.
" usually I wouldn't let this happen but because I can see how scared she I don't see why she can't I also alway bring a little packets with colour books and little activities for her to do to keep her mind off it" the flight attendant said handing kai some colouring books and puzzles.
" what do you say kai" I said.
" thank you" kai side rubbing her eyes from crying.
" your very welcome sweetheart if you need anything through out the flight let me know" tue flight attendant said.
" thank you" I said.
We took off we are about an hour into our flight kai was asleep on my lap she has been doing really well with her insomnia she hasn't really needed her medicine to help her sleep.
" what hotel are we staying at" zo asked.
" I don't know but it's 20 minutes for the airport" I said. Zo nodded.
We finally landed we are now on our way to the hotel kai is still asleep I decided to just let her sleep. When we got to the hotel there were fans and paparazzi everywhere.
" I'm so glad kai is a sleep because this would freak her out" I said to zo and Denise.
" she's getting better with the fans she loves talking to them it's just the paparazzi she's scared of because of the camera's and flash" Denise said. Just as we pulled up Kai woke up.
" mm daddy where are we" kai asked rubbing her eyes.
" we just got to the hotel baby you slept through the whole flight" i said. I got out of the car and got mine and kai's bags then got kai.
" do you wonna walk or daddy carry you" I asked.
" I wonna walk daddy" kai said I got her out and put her down so she could walk zo was standing in front of her to stop the flash from the camera's getting her in the eyes.
" who are all these people uncle zo" kai asked.
" these are all fans of me and your dad" zo said.
" whoa you and daddy are popular" kai said me and zo laughed.
" baby we are" I said laughing a little bit.
We got into the lobby of the hotel we check in and head to our rooms kai and decided we were gonna order room service and watch a movie and relax and get ready for tomorrow a day of shopping and looking around then my game.

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