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3 months later
Melo's pov
"Laya babe are you ready to go kai and I are ready gelo and Kayla are already there" i said to my girlfriend.
" I'm almost done" laya said.
Over the past 3 months a lot has changed Ashley and I decided to just stay friends we tried to be together again it didn't last long it was good in the beginning after that we constantly argued so we decided it was best to stay friends. kai still see's Ashley she'll stay there every now and then. I met my now girlfriend laya 2 months ago at the grocery store we went on a date and here we are now. Maya's parents make an effort to see kai now and Kayla and gelo are together now no one saw that coming at all I know I definitely didn't. Kai is finally out of her cast her arm is all healed.
" okay I'm ready" laya said walking down the stairs.
" finally" kai said rolling her eyes. Today we are taking kai and Ryder to the new arcade that just opened up. I put kai in her car seat laya got in the passenger side and I got in the drivers side. I started to drive to the arcade we got half way and Kayla started calling me.
" we are almost there Kay" I said answering the phone.
" okay we started a couple games" Kayla said.
" okay we'll be there soon" I said hanging up the phone.
" that's a little rude they started without us" Laya said rolling her eyes. I went to say something but was cut off by kai.
" if you were weady when daddy and I were they wouldn't be starting with out us" kai said.
" sorry babe but I have to agree with Kai on this one if you were ready on time then they wouldn't be starting without us" I said.
" whatever" laya said rolling her eyes a little annoyed. After a short drive we got to the arcade.
" are you ready to have some fun to baby" I said to kai getting her out of the car.
" yes daddy but why couldn't ashwey come with Laya's kind of mean" kai said I looked at her weird.
" what do you mean laya's mean baby has she said something to you" I said to kairo. She nodded.
" what did she say to you" I asked kai.
" she called me a spoiled brat" kai said I was getting a little bit angry because my baby isn't a spoiled brat.
" okay princess I'll talk to her" I said putting kai down so she could walk.
" hold my hand kai" I said to kairo putting my hand down for her to grab. We all walked in to the arcade kai ran straight to gelo.
"Uncle gelo" kai said running up to him. He picked her up.
" hey little one" gelo said giving her a hug then putting her back down.
" hi auntie kaywa hi ry" kai said giving them both hugs.
" hey bro hey laya" gelo said to me doing our hand shake and giving laya a hug.
" hey bro hey Kay" I said giving Kayla a hug.
" hey melly" Kayla said. Kayla and laya just looked at each and didn't say anything they don't really get a long.
" okay kai and ry what game do you want to play first" I said to them.
" that one" they both said pointing to a clown game you have to put a ball in the clowns mouth while it's moving and a ball will land on a number you get 3 turns and whatever the numbers the balls land on you add them up at the end and that how many points you get.
" okay let's go then" i said to kairo and Ryder.
We played heaps of games and both the girls got a lot of tickets we decided it was time to get something to eat because kairo was getting hangry. We went and sat at the diner they had apart of the arcade.

" daddy can i go get a toy with my tickets" kai asked.
"Yeah we will after we eat princess" I said to kai.
" no daddy I want to now" kairo said whining and pulling my hand trying to pull me towards the toys.
" kai we will after we eat" I said to kai calmly but stern.
" she's such a brat" laya said.
" no she's not laya she's hungry and tired don't call my daughter a brat when she's not" I said a little annoyed. Laya just rolled her eyes. I just ignored and decided to talk to her about it later. We all sat down at a table. Laya and I were on one side and gelo and Kayla on the other and kairo and Ryder on the ends.
" when's your next game bro" gelo asked me.
" Friday but it's an away game and if mum and big baller aren't coming kairo's gonna have to say at home" i said.
"I'm sure Denise will be going with zo and dmo will be there as well they can watch kai during the game" gelo said. I went to say some it the waitress came up to the table.
" hi I'm jj and I'll be your waitress today can I get you started on drinks" she asked.
" daddy can I please get a lemon iced tea" kai asked. I nodded.
" I get 2 lemon iced tea's please" I said to the waitress.
" I'll get a sprite and a small chocolate milkshake" Kayla said.
" I'll get a Dr Pepper" gelo said.
" I'll just get water" laya said.
" okay coming right up are you guys ready to order or do you still need a minute" the waitress asked.
" we'll need a minute please" I said.
" okay I'll be back with your drinks" Jj said with a smile.
" what do you want to eat kai and ry" Kayla asked them.
" cheese burger with fries please" kai said.
"Chicken nuggets and fries please" Ryder said.
" what are gonna get lay" I asked laya who was on her phone.
" I dunno" she shrugged her shoulders not looking up from her. I was getting kind of annoyed because she's usually not rude to people.
" can I talk to you out side for a minute laya" I said getting up laya doing the same.
" what melo" laya said with an attitude.
" why are you being so rude I understand you don't like Kayla for what ever reason but there's no need to be so rude she's not being rude to you and I was going to wait till we got home to talk to you about it but since we are all ready here why are you being rude to kai and calling her a brat" I said getting frustrated.
" I don't like they way Kayla looks at you amd your daughter is a spoiled brat you get her anything and everything she wants and she's annoying" laya said rolling her eyes I got more angry then what was I before.
" first of all Kayla doesn't look at me anyway she's my best friend and dating my brother and second of all kairo isn't spoiled because I don't get her anything and everything and she's not annoying she's an amazing and funny kid if you actually took the time to get to know her then you'd know that today was supposed to be a fun day and for you to get to know kai a bit more because you and Kai are 2 of the most important people in my life but if your just gonna be like this for the rest of the time then you may as well go home I love you laya but if you gonna disrespect my daughter then I can't be around you anymore because that's my baby and she come's first no matter what" I said laya just rolled her eyes.
" just go home laya I'll call you later" I said walking back into the dinner.
" you okay bro" gelo asked. I just nodded.
" okay guys here are your drinks are you guys ready to order" jj the waitress asked.
" I get the kids cheese burger meal and a regular cheese burger meal please" I said.
" I get the crispy chicken salad and a kids chicken nugget meal please" kayla said.
" I'll get the steak burrito please" gelo said.
" okay coming right up" the waitress said.
" what happened to laya" gelo asked.
" she was be disrespectful and I told if she's gonna be like that the rest of the time then she can just go home so she did" I said. After we ate we said our good byes and headed home.
" daddy I'm tired" kai said rubbing her eyes walking over to me on the couch.
" I'll put on a movie and we can have nap" I said picking her up. I laid back on the couch with Kairo on my chest I put on toy story because kai won't watch anything else.
" daddy" Kairo said.
"Yeah baby" I said.
" I don't like laya" kai said looking up at me.
" why don't you like her" I said looking down at kai.
" because she's mean to me when your not here she said that I'm a spoiled little brat and that mummy didn't go to heaven she left because she didn't want me" kairo said now crying. I almost cried because hearing those words come from my daughter's mouth broke my heart who says those things to anyone. I know kai's not lying either because she stutters when she's lies and she doesn't know half those words let alone use them in a sentence. I was so pissed right now.
" baby girl those things aren't true your mummy loves you I'm gonna talk to laya she's not gonna talk to you like that princess and if your mummy was still here she would love being your mummy" I said wiping her tears away and rubbing her back calming her down.
I decided to text zo and to see if he can take kai for the night so I can talk to laya because I don't want laya around kairo.
Hey bro can you take Kai for the night tonight?
Yeah of course bro Denise was just talking about she wanted to take Kai on a girls day she can take her tomorrow.
Okay sounds good I'll get her stuff ready and bring her over.
Okay is everything alright.
Yeah I'll explain when I drop kai off.
Okay bro.
Kairo was all most a sleep so I gently lifted her up and put her on the couch and went up stairs to pack her a bag and put her medication in her bag as well. About 20 minutes later I woke kai up.
" baby it's time to wake up" I said rocking her gently.
" daddy" kai said whining.
" I know princess but your gonna stay at uncle zo's and auntie Denise is going to take you shopping tomorrow" I said to kai. She nodded with a smile.
20 minutes later we were on our way to zo's we got to zo's I parked the car and got out I got kai and her over night bag out of the car I put on of kai's bag straps over my shoulder and put kai down so she can walk. We walked up to zo's apartment. I knocked on the door. Zo answered it.
"Hey bro" zo said doing our hand shake.
"Hey man" I said walking in with kairo holding my I closed the door behind me.
" hey my little munchkin" zo said to kai.
" hi uncle zo where's auntie Denise" kai asked.
" she's in my room" zo said. Kai ran into zo's room.
" so what's going on man you looked annoyed" zo asked as we sat on the couch.
" I'm pissed we went to the arcade today with gelo, Kayla and Ryder and the whole time laya was being disrespectful and she called kairo a spoiled brat and annoying so I pulled her a side and said if she can't be respectful then to leave so she did but not only that I had kai in tears when we got home saying that laya is mean to her when I'm not around you wonna know what she said to kai" i said.
" what did she say" zo said.
" she told kai that her mum didn't go to heaven she left because she didn't want kai" I said even more angry.
" yo wtf who says that to anyone let alone a 3 year old" zo said now angry as well.
" I know that's why I wanted kai here because I'm gonna talk to her I don't want her anywhere near kai once you disrespect my daughter your out of my life" i said.
" fair enough don't tell Ashley because you she'll fight her" zo said we both laughed.
" alright I better get going" I said getting up walking to zo's room I lent on door frame kai and Denise were on zo's bed watching tv.
" kai come give daddy a kiss and hug I'm leaving now" I said as I kneeled down. kai got off the bed and gave me a kiss on the cheek and a hug.
" bye daddy I lub you" kai said.
" I love you to baby girl be good for uncle zo and auntie Denise I'll face time you before you go to bed" i said. Kai nodded.
" oh here this for tomorrow" I said to Denise hanging her $100.
" you don't have to give me money I can pay for kai" Denise said with a smile.
" just incase you need extra" I said handing it to her she took it.
" okay thank you" Denise said.
" have a good day tomorrow baby" I said kneeling in front of kai tickling her tummy.
" I will daddy" kai said laughing I laughed as well.
" alright I gotta go love you baby" I said to kai waving.
" lub you to daddy" kai said as I walked of zo's apartment.
I walked to my car and called laya she answered on the 2nd ring.
" hey" she said answering the phone.
" hey are you busy" I asked.
" no what's up" she said.
" okay meet me at my house we gotta talk" I said.
" okay I'm leaving now see you soon" she said hanging up the phone.
I drove to my house after a short drive I was there I parked the car and got out and went inside about 10 minutes later laya was here.
" so what do you need to talk about" she said sitting on the couch.

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