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Melo's POV
" let's go baby we are gonna go see Ashley and auntie Denise" I said to kai she's spending the day with Denise and Ashley while me, zo and gelo have a boy's day.
" yay I missed them daddy" kai said.
" did you baby" I asked kai nodded.
I put kai in the car and buckled her in I got in the drivers side and drove to zo's apartment. After a short drive we were there. I got out of the car then getting kai out and put down so she could walk she held my hand as we walked to the elevator. I pressed floor 2 we got off on the floor we need and walked to zo's apartment I knocked and zo answered kai saw Ashley and ran straight to her.
" ashwey" kai said running to Ashley with her arm's up wanting her to pick her up.
" hey baby girl I missed you" Ashley said picking her giving your a hug.
"Oh so Ashley is the only person she see okay I see how it is kai" zo said pretending to cry. Ashley put kai down and she ran to zo who was now sitting on the couch.
" I sorry uncle zo" kai said climbing into his lap giving him a big hug. We all laughed a little bit.
" okay let's get going we have a nail appointment to get to" Denise said.
" bye daddy I lub you" kai said coming over giving me a kiss and a hug.
" bye baby I love you to be good" i said to kai. Then they walked out the door.
" so what's the plan for today" gelo asked.
" honestly I was thinking we could just chill and play some PlayStation and order food" zo said.
" yeah I like that idea" I said gelo nodded his head in agreement. We got that game set up then my phone went off I looked down it was laya she hasn't stop texting and calling me since the other day when I broke up with her. I sighed and rubbed my hand over my face.
" you all good bro" zo asked.
" yeah laya won't stop calling and texting me" I said.
" block her number" gelo said.
"Oh trust me I have she keeps finding away to reach me" I said.
"Bitch's be crazy" gelo said we laughed a little bit.
"So how's things with Kayla" I asked.
" at the moment not good we argue at everything little thing and I understand that she's stressing about the custody battle but I'm here to help her like we on the same team" gelo said. For the past 2 weeks Kayla had been in a custody battle with her grandparents over Ryder but i didn't know until she told me the day we went to the arcade.
" maybe you guys need a night to yourself I'll take ry for a night and you guys can have a date night or something" I said.
" yeah maybe I'll talk to Kay about it" gelo said.

Ashley's POV
" ooo ashwey can I pwease get this" kai asked bring a packet of slim over to me.
" I don't know kai your dad won't be very happy" I said Denise laughed.
" oh pwetty pwease" kai said giving me puppy dog eyes.
" okay how can I say no to your cute face" I said.
Our girls day had been really good we got our nails done and did some shopping I bought kai heaps of clothes and she got a lot of toys I already know what melo's gonna say that I spoil her to much.
" are you guys getting hungry" Denise asked.
" I am auntie Denise" kai said.
" yeah me to" I said.
" okay we'll go pay then eat then head home" Denise said. We lined up Denise went to pay for her stuff and I paid for mine and Kai's stuff.
" hi how are you today" the lady at the desk asked me.
" i'm good thank you yourself" I asked.
" I'm good" the lady said.
" ashwey can I pwease get these" kai asked holding up a packet of sour patch kids.
" sure baby" I said swapping them for the sugar free ones.
" okay you total comes to $400" the lady said. Melo's not gonna be happy he gave me his card and said I could use it for me and Kai but not to buy her to many toys because she's already got a lot and he wants her to understand that when we say no it's not because we can't afford it's because she needs to understand what no is.
" thank you have a nice day come on kai" i said grabbing our stuff and hold kai's hand.
" how much did you send" Denise asked.
" $400 but some of it was for cloths tho" I said.
" geez I didn't even spend that much" Denise said laughing.
We walked to the food court.
" what do you feel like kai" I asked.
" sushi and a lemon iced tea pwease" kai said.
We got our food and sat down I felt my phone go off I looked down it was a text for melo.

I just got a notification that $400 was spent at target what the hell did you buy
Cloths and toys for kai
She doesn't need any more toys how much did you spend on toys
I dunno
Nah I know you lying
I didn't reply because I do know how much I sent on toy but I wasn't gonna tell melo that. After we ate we head back to zo's apartment.
" we are back" Denise said walking into the apartment.
" daddy" kai said running to melo.
" hey baby did you have fun" melo asked picking her up with a smile. I kai nodded then melo looked at me with all the bags of toys and his smile dropped.
" aw hell naw your kidding ash come on man that's to much how much did you spend on toys" melo asked.
" $300" I mumbled. His eyes widened.
" yo nah that's to much $100 maybe but $300 on toys I'm all for spoiling my baby but $300" melo said I laughed a little bit.
" come on melo I don't spend this much on her often it's not gonna be an all the time thing plus she needs some more toys at my house and I also bought her a lot of clothes to" I said.
" okay I can understand that but this can be only once in a couple of months kinda thing you can still buy her stuff but not over $150" melo said.
" okay fair enough" i said.

Melo's POV
After a Ashley , Denise and kai got back we hung out at zo's for a bit then kai started to get tired and cranky so I took her home and we both had a nap on the couch.

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