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Summerslam was a hit! Roman won his match against Randy and that meant that I could stay in Roman's corner, by his side for however long I chose to. And it was sweet. But tonight was the last night I had with Roman with the exception being next Monday night on Raw. Because after the show tonight, I would be hopping on a private jet and flying with my bridal party to wherever Nikki was taking us for my bachelorette vacation. I had to admit, it would be nice to get away for a few days and have some time to think and just being with the ladies that were important to me in my life. Of course, I wish Roman could be there but we would have our vacation soon enough and I definitely couldn't wait for that one.

I finished lacing up my boots as I sat on the couch with Roman watching the show. Tonight Roman only had a six man tag team match. He would be teaming with RVD and Sheamus to take on Randy, Ryback and Curtis Axel. But right now my parents were in the ring crowning Brock Lesnar with the newly furnished WWE World Heavyweight Championship so I had some time to kill.

I stood up and told Roman that I would be back before I walked out of the locker room. I needed to talk to John because I was in my head way too damn much about whatever Dean and Seth had planned for Roman's bachelor party. I couldn't talk to Roman. I couldn't talk to Dean or Seth. They wouldn't listen. But I could definitely talk to John. He would listen to me. I hope.

As soon as I found his locker room, I knocked on the door and then walked in. That was our thing. John wasn't doing anything tonight because he was taking the night off but still here to support Nikki so I knew he wouldn't be changing. And I passed Nikki talking to Brie in the hallway so I knew it was safe to enter.

"Hey. There's the blushing bride to be." John said as he smiled at me. I closed the door and then turned to him. "Uh oh. What's wrong?" John could read me like a book. I didn't even have to show that something was wrong for him to know something was up.

I sat down on the couch next to him and sighed. "You're going to Roman's bachelor party, right?" I asked.

"Yes." he said. "And no I cannot tell you what's gonna happen because I was sworn to secrecy."

I let out a breath. "Okay. Well, can you, at least, promise me something?" He nodded. "Please don't let him get into trouble. I don't know what Seth and Dean have planned but I trust them both about as far as I can throw them when it comes to that and I really don't wanna be disappointed in my future husband. I don't want anything to mess this up. So can you please make sure he doesn't get into trouble?"

"Hannah, it's just a bunch of guys getting together and celebrating the fact that Roman is gonna be married. And besides, Roman loves the hell out of you. He's the responsible, respectful type. What kind of trouble could he get into?" he asked.

"With Seth and Dean at the helm, I could only imagine." I said.

He looked at me and pursed his lips. "You might have a point there." he said.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Look, I'm already really about this. I know Seth and Dean accept our relationship and the fact that we're gonna be married but that doesn't mean they won't ply him with enough alcohol to sway him into a stupid decision." I said.

"Do you really think Roman would do that to you?" John asked as he turned his body to face me. "Look, if you have any doubts, you should not walk down that aisle. It's not fair to you or Roman."

"I don't have doubts. I just worry that given a crap ton of alcohol, he could make a bad decision." I said.

John chuckled and put his arm around me. " I don't think he will. But if it'll make you feel better, I promise to look after him." he said.

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