Chapter 40

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I'm really, really, really, really sorry that I kept you waiting! But I think this will make up for it.

Serious smut warning ahead! Read at your own risk!

It's also a long one... give me some votes, comments! Show me love! ♥️

Timid and a little startled Aubrey locked eyes with Harry as soon as the door flew open. Her own pale green eyes meeting his dark green gaze with so much anticipation, an instant electricity seemed to spark around them.

With the silence that quickly followed, Aubrey found that looking up dumbly at Harry was all that she could seem to do. Frozen on the spot with her eyes boring into his. Her mouth unable to form words. Her emotions stilled.

It was like she had fallen into shock.

And it seemed that even though Harry had made the decision to drive over, his tormented thoughts convincing him that he will give Aubrey a piece of his mind, he had suddenly lost his voice as well.

Because no matter how much he had mentally prepared to see Aubrey, it never stopped him from being so fucking blown away by her.

The natural magnetism she had quickly pulling him in as soon as he laid his eyes on her. The force so unbelievably powerful, it didn't matter how much time he took to gather himself, his insides still faltered when he saw her.

She just made him so desperate and needy.

Big eyes, pink lips, dainty nose and rosy cheeks.

She fucking ruined him.

And to make matters worse, Harry was most definitely not expecting to be greeted by Aubrey's very wet appearance. Her soaking body wearing nothing but a thin cotton robe. Her skin glowing and flustered, sticky almost. Cheeks bright red and her glistening mouth full and puffy. Her damp hair messy and falling around her delicate face, the ends still dripping with water that slipped down her chest and dampened her robe. Her nipples poking--

"Timmy's not here." Aubrey randomly stated, finally finding the strength to speak after mentally shaking off her shell-shock, trying so desperately to ignore the tension.

"I know." Harry said firmly, his eyes dragging up and down Aubrey's body before they moved back to her face, the subtle but filthy look in his gaze setting her body on fire. "Like I said, I need to talk to you." He grumbled, his tone something between seductive and angry, if that was even possible.

"About?..." Aubrey let go of the handle so she could fold her arms across her chest, her face growing stern as a lick of courage bolted through her.

How dare Harry tell her to leave LA and then turn up wanting to talk.

What was there to even talk about?

Was he angry that she wasn't back in London already?

Did he just come here to shout at her?

If so, Aubrey was not going to let it happen. She had endured enough anguish over the past two years than most people face in one entire life time.

She couldn't take anymore.

After her encounter with Harry at James Burrows's party, Aubrey had spent the entire week doing nothing but thinking. Thinking about Harry, thinking about the decisions she had made, thinking about how her life had turned out. She felt sad, lonely and so fucking lost she didn't know what to do with herself.

She had even spent most of her recent nights secretly crying, feeling so broken and weeping so hard that she wanted to sob out loud, she wanted to scream. But fearing Tim would hear her desperate sorrow, she kept in as much sound as she could, only allowing silent tears to fall as she lay in bed staring up at the dark ceiling.

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