Hey Google, play sweater weather by the neighbourhood.

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Ship: scar and grian (semi platonic)

Prompt: 3rd life! Scar took grians sweater.

Notes: daddy issues is better than sweater weather, you may discuss.

It was quiet when grian got back to his base, wayyy too quiet. He was gone for about an hour, something about jimmy wanting his shoes back, but the main point is he was gone an hour and the base was still intact. Scars done something, he always does, it was just a matter of if grian could find out what it was.

Going up to their shared room, grian saw how scars overlays were on the ground. Grian sighed better than his shirt I guess. But when he went into the bedroom, he realised it was way, way worse.

He saw scar standing in the mirror, yeah that normal scar does that a lot, but when wasn't normal was that scar has decided to wear a sweater with his usual wear. More specifically, one of grians red sweaters. Obviously it was too short on him, grian could see his shirt being worn as an underlay, and it looked uncomfortable around the shoulders, but grian saw scars smile. Why was he smiling? 

"Scar?" Grian asked, the other turned in surprise and stood agape. The two remained silent, it looked like a standoff. "Scar? What are you doing?" Grian asked again. 

"Well hello there grian," scar said in his normal yet embarrassed voice, "you see, I can explain." 

"I'm sure you can," Grian lent against the doorframe. 

I swear scars never talked faster, "so you remember when you kept asking me to like 'put your shirt on' and stuff, yeah, well I just wondered to myself, 'well, why doesn't grain take off his sweater' and I just kept thinking about it and then... here we are" he gestured to the now long stretched sweater. 

Grian looked in defeat, then started laughing. "You, you my friend are a whole lot of tomfoolery. That what you are," scar had started laughing himself.

"Grian," scar called out, "Grian," 


"Grian it's stuck"

A couple of hours later, when Scott and jimmy went into the other twos base, they were not expecting a cackling grain and a torn sweater on the ground... 

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