Emotions? How about no.

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People: bench trio (platonic)

Prompt: tommy and tubbo are arguing, kinda like my family.

Notes: this one is probably shitter. TW! SHOUTING AND ALL THAT SHIT

"Actually shut up, just shut the fuck up!" Tubbo shouted. They had been shouting for the last half an hour, at this point they didn't even know what started the argument anyway but neither of them wanted to back down. Their throats hurt like hell from screaming, because that all they could do. After all, they would never intentionally hurt eachover, considering all the shit they've been through together. 

Tommys arms were flailing around in anger, "no, I won't shut up you dense twat. I'm the one who should be telling you to shut up!" Ok now they were getting into dangerous territory.

"Shut up before you fucking get us killed again." Tubbo huffed. Uh oh. "That's what you always do, go blabber the wrong thing to the wrong person and get us both killed." Oh shit.

Tommy stepped back, "tubbo-?"

"BECAUSE THATS ALL YOUR FUCKING GOOD FOR!" Immediately silence befell the house, luckily ranboo was out with Micheal. Far away from them. 

Tubbos eyes dilated in guilt and fear, tommys were the same. They stood still, tommy tensed up and tubbo's shoulders dropping as he let out a breath. "Tommy? I- I'm sorry I-"

"Shut up." Tommy spat, "piss of tubbo, just fucking leave me alone." 

Uh oh. Tubbos fucked up. He dropped his head, a habit he gained during manburg, and started to walk out. He was almost out of earshot when Tommy muttered "if that's all I'm good for then why did you stay?" Before tubbo heard tears. Uh oh.

Oh god he's messed up. Oh shit, oh fuck. He heard the door from tommys room slam, Tubbos tempted to run up and hug Tommy, but he knows he shouldt. He knows Tommy needs time, tubbo brought up a can of worms he would t dare to even look at. He's fucked up. It was checkmate. Oh god.

Curling up against himself, tubbo let's himself cry as the memories flew into his mind. It was all his fault. If he had done something eret wouldn't have betrayed them. Tommy wouldn't have given his disks for lmanburg. If he had thought back against schlatt and joined pogtopia sooner, manburg would have been gone without a single bit of tnt. If he had just been a better president, a better husband, a better friend. If he had just- if he...

His breath was picking up, he realized he had started hyperventilating. His thoughts were racing slowly and nothing was happening, but everything was happening. He let out a chocked sob. The area around him felt fake, unknown, but he's lived there for years? It was almost as if he was floating, trying to get a grip of reality but nothing was working. He shut his eyes as tears came rushing down his scars. Another memory he didn't want to bring back up. 

His head ached, his body was shaking uncontrollably and his cries could be heard from outside the room. Tubbo felt as if he was trudging through and endless amount of yuck, each step more daunting then the last. He just wanted to stop, to let the muck swallow him whole. There was no end, so why even try? 

Tubbo coughed as his throat went stale and dry. He couldn't focus on anything and everything felt faint to him. All he could see is his memories, lmanburg, manburg, butcher army, the lot. All the people who died, the betrayals, the bloodshed he had caused. He could feel his energy dissipate as his mental health spiralled. Before he knew it, tubbo fell unconscious. Cheeks stained with tears, the occasional shake or twitch his body gave off. The saddest thing is, he's used to it. 

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