"Flowers bloom, but not as pretty as you," "how long have you been dead?"

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Ship: flower husbands because I'm sad

Prompt: jimmy died first in last life, Scott died last, it's been a while in limbo.

Notes: jimmy being a hopeless romantic and Scott's upset he died after he won.

Scott woke up in the field. He ran a hand through the blades of grass and flowers around him as he sat up, he missed this. He missed the feeling of the swaying grass and light breeze around him. he missed the beaming sun shining down on him. He missed his beaming sunshine that shone on him, Jimmy. 

Jimmy had died first in last life, a running theme with his partner. Fell to his death, the notification said but everyone knew it was something to do with the other southlanders. When Scott had gotten wind of his death, regret and guilt had filled his mind, he spent the rest of that day planting an array of poppies in the scottage. 

Now he was also dead. Killed by the gods above, and all he can think about is finding his beloved husband. Standing up, Scott scanned the area around him, looking for his home, their home. He knew Jimmy would be there. Then he saw it, the small mountains by the lake. It was there, home. 

Running to the front door of jimmys house, Scott could have sworn he heard humming from inside. Then the door opened, shit. 

Scott's eyes went wide, he saw jimmy, normal jimmy. No cuts or scars, no bandages or different coloured eyes other than the soft, brown eyes Scott grew to love. No fearful, bloodlust jimmy. Just jimmy. Just the idiotic man Scott loves. 

Who was now wearing one of Scott's jackets. 

"It's been a while," jimmys said, the thing he was holding long gone. He looks calm, too calm. But Scott couldn't care, he wrapped his arms around the other and held them in a tight embrace. For the first time in ages, Scott felt safe.

He was safe...

Now for the crack,

"Why are you wearing my jacket?" Scott asked.

Jimmys cheeks turned bright red, "well I- I got bored of my- my suit so I went looking for more clothes and, well, all I found was this." Jimmy was a terrible liar.

"Aww, did you miss me jimmy?" 

The other spluttered, "no, no petal why would I? I knew you would come soon I just I no." And ran off into the other room. 

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