Chapter 8

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Last Night Part 2

In the middle of dancing with a amazing man. I look at the ground as my head is laid on Carter....

I realize that it's black tile.

Something instantly came back to me ....

💭 Having A Active Flashback 💭

"Let's go out to eat tonight?" Dante says to me.

I was slightly startled because the last thing I remember is him tying me up while I was tied to the bed & than raping me. I struggle to see him with my blurry vision. I could only see in 1 eye.

After he unties me from the bed. I drop down onto the naked mattress as my body radiates with pain when my skin comes in contact with the mattress. I immediately put my head in my hands from all the trauma he caused me the night before.

"I SAID....let's go out to eat tonight" Dante shouts, making me cringe from my severe headache from the severe concussion he gave me.

I'm a medical student. I know all the symptoms so I knew that I DEFINITELY had a higher stage concussion.

"Okay" I whisper.

"Okay sweetie go get dressed" he says to me before he kissed my head.

He is physchotic..

"Here!" he says as he throws a small black dress at me. And some flats.

"Hurry up and get dressed" he says as he's about to walk out of the room.

"Oh! Cover up all those goddamn bruises, I don't even hit you that hard. And oh, don't forget the black eyes" he says as he smiles at me & closes the door and locks it.

I decided against crying when he left. If I cried infront of him. He would beat me up. For some reason he always beat me up if I even showed a SIGN that I was gonna cry or that he thought I was, he would beat me. So I had to keep it together.

I knew he was gonna come back in the room in no time & force me to hurry up.... but not with his words.....

I slowly got off of the bed but I felt a huge, cold wet spot around my bottom. That's when I realized how bad my body hurt. I look at the bed to see blood all over it.

Slowly, I made my way towards the bathroom. I flinch & hold my head at the brightness as I turn the light on & my headache gets worse.

I look up with the minimal vision that I had in my right eye, to see a completely different person.....

I began to cry.... I couldn't help it. I was a completely different person. I hadn't looked in a mirror in about 3 days.

I began to look at myself.

I was naked.

I felt warm blood dripping down, inbetween my legs.

I look in my eyes to see a popped blood vessel in my left eye. Dante is right handed obviously. I guess that's the reason why my vision is blurry. I seen bruises, scratches and knots ALL over my body. I see handprints on my neck. Eyes are so swollen that I could barely even see. I have a huge gash on my eyebrow.

I turn around to look at my back even though my neck hurts to see blue and purplish,yellow bruises on my back and shoulders. I look at my stomach to see the developing baby bump, along with a couple of bruises.

I hope the baby is okay, I thought to myself.

I began to silently hum cry. It helped me keep myself from crying loud.

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