Chapter 40

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Feel free to comment anything y'all. I absolutely love reading them and they motivate me :). And thank EVERYONE for constantly showing love. Love y'all! 💜

Alisha POV

I was currently hanging out with my little brothers and mom at the hospital in the cafeteria lobby.

My dad was always here too, along with the rest of Shay and I's family but he had to work today.

My mom is a nurse but she took the day off to be here.

My brothers Terez and Garrett, were next to me eating as I messed with my milk carton flap while leaning back in my chair.

They were all talking but I wasn't....

I was half listening...

I was too caught up in my thoughts.

"Boys..." I heard our mom say suddenly to get their attention, we all looked up at her. "Go back up to the lobby please... I need to speak with your sister" she said looking at them as she continued to sit next to me.

She sat up against the round table and placed her arms ontop of it.

My teenage brothers picked up their trays and began to head off, after kissing both of our cheeks.

I turned my chair outward, away from the table and facing the side of my mom's chair.

I breathed out as I tried to prepare myself for what she was going to say.

"Honey.." she started speaking as she adjusted herself in her chair to get comfortable. "I know I asked you this before when this all first happened and we cried together for hours but I need to ask you again..." she continued as she looked in my eyes.

My mom is big on eye contact when you have a deep conversation with her... She'll call you out on it as being disrespectful if you don't.

I could feel myself coming close to crying already because I had an idea of what she was about to say.... And hearing it from her, meant more to me than hearing it from almost anyone else.

"How are YOU.... doing?.... How are YOU... handling all of this?" She asked softly to me as she transferred her gifted, natural motherly instincts and care in my direction with her gentle words.

Her soft, meaningful words overwhelmed me with emotion.

I looked at her genuinely concerned, beautiful face for a second as I thought about her questions.

Nobody ever really asked me how I was doing... And I mean how I was really doing....

My mouth was throbbing to frown and quiver so I tried to act like it wasn't happening as I looked down.

I folded my bottom lip in inbetween my teeth as I placed my tongue over it with my top teeth ontop of my tongue.

I was too tired, emotionally and physically drained for what I knew was going to happen.

Shay was doing SO much better. She still has a really long way to go to be completely recovered but she is alive and that was all that mattered to me for the past 2 months...

But Ky.... 😔

Life without Ky wasn't.... Life.

It feels abnormal and weird to be without him.... In a friend or even a sexual way too.

I miss him so damn much.

Their are times when I would pick my phone up and start to text him those funny or nasty texts that we always did but I would remember that he was done with me.

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