Manhattan lodging house headcannons

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One of the Newsies had managed to buy a fake spider and it is always turning up in peoples beds and in random places. It doesn't even belong to one person anymore, it's always circulating and waiting to strike. New newsies always meet the spider within the first  week of their stay, always. 

Skittery gets pranked with it the most as he always has funny reactions. Things don't faze him but spiders, especially unexpected ones, take him by surprise. The worst reaction they ever got was when they set it to fall on him in the bathroom stall. He screamed, threw open the door, jumped out in his underwear and tripped on his pants, making him face plant all in about 2 seconds. The worst part is he got a cut above his eyebrow in the process and whenever someone asked him what happened the boys were all to kind to tell them. 

In case you were wondering; after this Skittery does not like the spider.

Although Skittery's reaction is yet to be topped (and likely never will be) the boys will always remember when Mush fell out of his top bunk, Snipeshooter screamed like a girl while jumping around, and when Jacks immediate response to being caught off guard was to throw it out the window. 


I believe the Manhattan newsies played catch A LOT. There wasn't much to do so they would throw a ball around. They had amazing throwing arms and would experiment with tons of games. 

Newsies head cannonsWhere stories live. Discover now