Spot Oneshot-butterflies

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His eyes flickered over me as he continued his approach, feet thumping quietly over the rough floor boards. Every step made me uneasy, he wasn't stopping. My back hit the wall and the oddest combination of fear and butterflies erupted at the same time. His unearthly blue eyes staring straight into mine only several inches away. His arm moved to right near my face, effectively trapping me. He seemed so confident as his eyebrows raised at me. I couldn't keep looking him in the eyes. The king of Brooklyn was right here so close. He was terrifying and attractive. I would even say terrifyingly attractive. I took a deep breath licking my lips in absolute nervousness. I could smell him, the faint linger of saltwater clinging to his clothes. This observation made me even more uneasy. His eyes were still probing mine, I couldn't take it, I broke eye contact trying to avoid looking at him. Which was virtually impossible considering his position. My breath started to speed up.

"Yous scared of me Princess?" His voice was low, gentle but strong.

"Uhh" I opened and closed my mouth but no words would come out. I just stood there progressively getting redder and redder avoiding his gaze at all costs.

"I ain't gonna hurt yous ya know." He said softly, I could hear his earnestness. The emotion coming from him sounded so foreign and my eyes dared to peak up at his face. He was so close I could make out every detail. His eyes staring from under his gloriously long eyelashes. Once again the proximity made me suck in my breath and avert my eyes to his chest. His hand that hung at his side slowly reached out and grabbed my trembling one. His eyes gazing down at my small hand enveloped in his palm. His thumb gently tracing over my knuckles sending shivers all the way up my arm. I didn't know what to feel. What was happening? How could I escape? Did I even want to escape? His eyes once again fixed on mine.

"I told you, you don't need to be scared sweetheart."

I gained the courage to search his eyes. Nothing but truth existed there.

"You don't need to be scared of me." Quieter this time. His eyes flickered to my lips for a brief second. My breath caught, and in that brief moment I realized, I didn't want to escape.

"Let me prove it to you?"

I honestly don't know what I did, perhaps a nod? Perhaps a whisper? I was so lost in his eyes I don't remember what happened.

Slowly he leaned in gauging my reaction as his eyes flicked over my whole face. He was so close as he bumped noses with me. We remained there noses gently touching for a brief moment as his eyes fluttered shut as he suddenly angled his face bringing his lips onto mine. It was so gentle. His lips soft against mine as they moved ever so slowly, not taking it too far yet relishing every moment. Soon he pulled away, but only slightly leaving me absolutely breathless. My eyelashes brushing his cheek. He smiled, not a grin, a true smile. I was going crazy, he had just kissed me. The king of Brooklyn kissed me. There was something behind that kiss. Nothing how I would have expected from the Spot Conlon. Spot Conlon seemed dangerous, intimidating, aggressive yet I tasted none of those things. The king of Brooklyn was gentle. Unbelievably so, I tasted it from his very lips.

"Still scared of me sweetheart?" He asked softly.

"No" I paused, "not anymore."

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