chapter 13

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"I wanna build a team of my own," Shinichiro announced, burying his hands on his black slacks. He then looked at Takeomi with a smile on his face. "And you'll be the advisor."

"What, me?" Takeomi was taken aback. He then pointed at himself. "I feel like I won't do any good, Shin."

"Oh, you can," He gave his signature smile, his eyes beaming as well. He then glanced back at Wakasa and Benkei, who was listening to him intently. "Will you two join?"

"It's alright with me," Benkei smiled. The ravenette then looked at Wakasa for a response. The blonde just shrugged.

"I'll take that as a yes then," Shinichiro looked at the city blazing behind them. The coloured lights reflected on the bay, the shining water cruising around the draft, dancing slowly in the night. The breeze was frigid, it was almost winter after all. The raven smiled, he'll build a new generation for all delinquents.

And just so by that, he remembers Benkei's smile. He'll never see that again.

When he got out of the cab, he rushed immediately to where they kept Benkei, stumbling in his steps. He was out of breath from running, his legs weak and fragile. He stopped by the front desk, then asked the lady in charge in what room they kept his friend. His voice shuttered and his breath shaky, he had sweat pouring down his face down to his neck, pale as snow. He bowed before running towards the emergency room, then meeting the doctor in the custody of taking care of Benkei.

"Where is he?" The doctor just revolved around and began to walk. He just followed. He ceased, and he as well. His heart beat faster, pounding by his chest. He doesn't want to see Benkei, but he also wanted to. The doctor looked at him first before opening the door, revealing a man covered with a white blanket. Shinichiro stepped inside, going beside Benkei. He removed the white cloth slowly off his face and began to cry when he saw his face, resting in peace. He fell down on his knees, holding the edge of the steel bed, calling out his name.

He couldn't believe it. He's really dead.

After a while, he visited Wakasa, who had his left leg broken. Wakasa explained everything to him, and he can see the monotonous expression on Shinichiro's face. Takeomi was right beside Wakasa's bed, he's currently in a coma. 

Of course, the ravenette couldn't accept what happened to his precious friends, and he'll do anything to look for the culprit. Even if it means killing every single one of them, with no mercy.

He created Bonten, and it started from a gang similar to Black Dragons to a criminal organization even the police can't touch. Wakasa and Takeomi, even his younger siblings, cannot fathom him.

Shinichiro wasn't Shinichiro anymore, he was sucked up in darkness trying to find the mastermind who killed Benkei. And up until now, he still can't find the culprit.

This was the reason why Wakasa and Takeomi kept everything a secret when Shinichiro said he 'just woke up and then became the leader of a criminal organization'. It took them a while to understand until Mikey told them that he sensed that Takemichi was back from the past. The Shinichiro they knew was back, and they would like to keep it that way for a while. Even if it means lying to him.

And when the old Shinichiro knew, he came back to his other-self. Wakasa's dread started to devastate him once again.

And he wasn't getting much sleep because Shinichiro can't control himself.

"I'm not having sex with you again," Wakasa turned his back on Shinichiro. "We just had sex, like, three hours ago!"

"Just one more round?" Shinichiro stepped closer, wrapping his arms around Wakasa's waist and pulling his back closer to his naked chest. He rested his head on the lilac-eyed's shoulder, closing his eyes. "Maybe just a head?"

"Take a cigarette instead, Shin-chan," Wakasa sighed, sinking onto his embrace. Shinichiro pouted.


Shinichiro kept his cool when he meets the others, acting like he didn't discover about the past and the reason he assembled Bonten. Of course, everyone was aware of that, but they operate like they don't because Wakasa and Takeomi said so.

Takemichi knew the other Shinichiro, after living with him in Manila for a few years. But, when Wakasa described it, it was far more different than the Shinichiro he encountered. As the older one described;

"He was a monster, a quiet one. A black aura surrounded him, and if he wasn't in the mood, don't ever talk to him. Because if you do, you're on your death chair. Always wait for him to calm down before talking to him."

Shinichiro, yes, had this other him back then, but Takemichi recalled that he could control it, acting like he had nothing. He would hear him muttering words by his room, and Izana said to ignore it. 

Izana and Emma were worried sick when they lost contact with Mikey and Shinichiro, but after a year of disappearing, they got in contact with Mikey and he told them everything. About Bonten, about Shinichiro. The two plan to meet him and converse with him, but Mikey halted them and told them it's too dangerous to approach him, or even be in the same room as him. But when Takemichi came back from the past, and Shinichiro was his old self, they were able to contact him and had the sibling bonding they had back then.

Mikey told them about what happened and asked the same thing as Wakasa and Takeomi to the others.

And right now, Takemichi has two problems to fix:

Hinata and Shinichiro.

hello! thanks for reading chapter 13! now that I explained a little (and I still will), i hope i gave a few answers to your questions :) and thank you for 1.2k reads (on wattpad) and 926 reads (on fanfiction)! i appreciate all support you give this book :(

here's the spotify list:

and see you in chapter 14! bye~


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