I Can't Tell. (8)

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"Well, Uh, I don't know. What do you want us to be?" I reply calmly. "Uhm, Can we-" "Hey guys! We're going to the Beach with a couple of new guests. Wanna come?" Said Wilbur. "Y-Yeah," I say. Why do they always interrupt us... Whatever. I look at Toby with sad eyes, Knowing he's Slightly hurt at the Interruptions as well. "Well I guess we should get ready, Eh?" he said. You can tell in the tone of his voice he's very sad. "Yeah," I reply. He walks out and closes the door behind him, I walk over to the door and lock it so I can change. I walk near my closet (A/N, Where most of my readers are,) And I grab a bathing suit. I walk into the bathroom and start to change. The bathing suit is pretty nice, It looks like this.

(Or you can wear whatever you want<3 I wanted to keep it kinda gender Nutraul since I know some of my readers are imagining the reader as maybe a Boy or A Nonbinary person, so use this bathing suit in case you aren't a girl or you are and you like...

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(Or you can wear whatever you want<3 I wanted to keep it kinda gender Nutraul since I know some of my readers are imagining the reader as maybe a Boy or A Nonbinary person, so use this bathing suit in case you aren't a girl or you are and you like non-showy ones. Again, You can always imagine whatever you'd like!)

And you put your hair into H/s (hair/style). Being an idiot, you didn't really think of bringing a sweater, Thinking it wouldn't be cold, But spare clothes and some art supplies in a backpack. As They see you coming downstairs, They grab a quick snack of your f/f (favorite/Food) and all eat before getting their bags. As you sit in the car, Toby sits by you in the back seats.  So, The arrangement was Wilbur and S/n were sitting in front (Wilbur driving,) Jschlatt and Ranboo In the Middle, And You Tommy, And Toby In the back. Toby, In the middle, You on the right and Tommy on the left. 

You just planned on listening to music for the rest of the day besides swimming and eating. You didn't feel it. At least not today, that is. It makes you wonder, Why you even try. You listen to the music that flows from your AirPods, then you see Toby grabbing one from your ear. He gives you a big smile, so you continue playing your music.

Don't leave me tongue-tied.

Don't wave no Goodbye.

Don't leave me tongue-tied.


(oooooh, oooooh. ohhhhhhhhmmmmm, ohhhhhhhhhmmmmmm.)

he starts moving his head to the music. You couldn't help but stare at him through the reflection of your window. You were so sad that he couldn't tell you what he wanted to say this morning. But you could just ask him at the beach... Right?

"Were Here!" Said Wilbur, Pulling the key out of the car and unlocking the doors. As we all got out, You put your AirPods and phone back in your backpack after disconnecting them. everyone carried at least one thing. As Wilbur locked the door we all walked to the beach entrance. You and Tommy Raced to the water and then heard Tommy scream "LET'S GOOOO!!"  as He reached the water. "Pog" Hear Toby say. You chuckle.  As you walk over to the Bench by your towel under the tree to get the shade, you see Schlatt approach you. "Hey, Big guy," you say. He laughs at your response of him sitting down. "sup, Short stuff," he said, as you both laughed. "so, what's up with you and 'bee boy'?" He asked seriously. "Oh, I don't really know," I reply.

"I've seen your streams, Y/n. you can't hide it from the big guy here. You like him, Don't you?" He says. Crap, He knows. You don't wanna lie... I mean you guys are pretty close. so he wouldn't tell him, right? Yeah. You can trust him. "Yeah..." You reply. "teen Love, cringe." he says, and you chuckle. "so when are you gonna ask him out?" he asks, making your cheeks turn a sunset pink. "ah, I didn't think of that. Our relationship is just friends right now I guess, but he's asked me that this morning and Wilbur interrupted him before he could tell me what we are. But our relationship has been going really fast lately. we cuddle, we sometimes kiss... we call each other 'darling ' and 'Love ' sometimes for Pete's sake!" I say, cupping my face into my palms all red.

"Dang, seems like you guys really like each other huh?" He says. You nod. You were about to say more, but S/n runs up to you and picks you up. "H-HEY!? LET ME GO!" You say as she runs to the water holding you. Schlatt just laughs hysterically as you get thrown into the water. "S/N!" You scream, swimming up from the water wiping your eyes. "S/N SLEEP WITH 2 EYES OPEN!" You scream, as everyone laughs. You decide to stay in the water though.

~Time Skip!~

A couple of hours after swimming (2 hours),  Everyone decided to just take a break. Wilbur, S/n, And Schlatt decided to go look for shells and stuff.  so, Of course, the "children" Were left alone. "So what now?" Ranboo asks. "I dunno? Wanna play truth or dare?" Tommy asks. "This isn't a middle school party, Tom," I say, As he chuckles. "Whatever," Tommy proceeds to then name a bunch of "kids" games. "Tommy, I think the only actual good game you said so far was Truth Or Dare," Toby stated. "Then let's just play that?" I say as they agree.

"Alright, Ranboo! Truth or Dare?" Toby said. "Uhm, Truth I guess," Ranboo said, Adjusting his glasses above his mask. "Do you Like Or Hate your fanbase?" Toby asked. "I mean, Most of them are either genderless Or fruity. Some are just straight-up weird, But They are pretty cool. Yeah, I like them. Especially the artists, they're so talented." He said. We all chuckled a bit at his joke. "Alright, Uhm, Tommy. Truth or Dare?" Ranboo said. "Dare! They don't call me Big man for nothing," He said. We all laughed, "Hey, That's because they don't call you that at ALL, That's what they call ME around here, pal," Schlatt said, as Wilbur and S/n walked behind him. We all laughed even harder as they continued to argue.  "You guys were playing truth or dare, right? can we play?" S/n asked. "sure!" We all respond. as Schlatt and Tommy stopped arguing, We started playing Truth Or Dare right away. "so Tommy, I Dare you to say 'I like Americans, And I HATE women,' " Ranboo said. "Truth, I choose Truth," Tommy said and we all burst out laughing. 

"Alright, is it True you Actually Hate Americans?" Ranboo said. "No, That's 'Tommyinnit'. Im Tommy," "Wow, what a BIG difference! Right guys?" You said as Everyone laughed, even 'Tommy'. "Alright, Y/n. Truth or Dare?" Tommy said. "Dare." You reply. "I Dare you to eat sand," Tommy said. "I'm not Wilbur, Idiot," I said and Wilbur bursts out laughing. "whatever," Tommy said rolling his eyes sarcastically. As the day went along, we all eventually decided we were going to go to an arcade. Sounds fun!


TY All FOR THE READS! :D also someone voted my story, You know who you are, ILY <33 Im still waiting for a comment tho :,) But ty all! <3 Ily! Bye! :]

word Count: 1245

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