So That's it, huh? (9)

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Everyone decided to change back into the extra clothes they brought,  so you and S/n walk into the women's bathroom, and everyone else walks Into the men's bathroom. As you walk out, You can't help but blush at Toby sitting at a table alone on his phone, probably waiting for the others. You decide to sit by him. "hey, 'Love '," He says putting his phone away to talk to you. You get so many butterflies in your stomach from him... "H-Hey," you reply red as a tomato. "So... As I was saying this morning, I this we should-" "alright, Im ready to go!" Said Wilbur and S/n and Ranboo, Tommy, And Schlatt all walked over to us. Again...

As we all Get up To walk to the car, everyone starts putting the stuff away once we reached the car. Then when everyone starts getting in the car, Toby Interlocks his hand with yours.  You and Toby get in the backseat still holding hands Now that everyone's in the car, we're all ready to go. You Get the kind of cold that makes you shake a bit, since you did just go swimming, and the windows are all down. of course, everyone else has hoodies and sweaters besides you. "here," Toby says reaching in his bag handing you his extra sweater. "Are you sure?" You ask. "Mhm! I knew you'd not bring one, since I know you very well. So I brought an extra one!" He exclaimed handing you the sweater. 

You blush and put it on under the seatbelt. "Thank you, Dar-Toby." You smile. He smiles back, obviously. "Ohhh stop flirting," Tommy says as he fakes Gagging noises. "We're not Tom, We're just friends" Toby said nudging Tommy. I laugh along as well. "No! You guys are flirting!" "Tommy! WE'RE JUST FRIENDS! And we WERENT FLIRTING." Toby keeps telling Tommy.

Just friends, huh.

"Shut up you two, Don't make me pull this car over!" Wilbur said jokingly. "Sorry 'Dadbur'," both Tommy and Toby said in sync. I put my Airpods in, and listen to music again. This time, Toby doesn't take an Airpod. He took one of Tommy's. Oh, Okay. That's fine. That's his best friend. Im his best friend. Were just friends. Y/n stop overthinking. Y/n, you are overthinking and jealous. Your just his best friend after all. That's it. Just friends. Right?

Y/n there's something on your face. Oh? It's a tear. CRAP ITS A TEAR, You think to yourself immidietly wiping the tear-off of your face, hoping no one saw it. The rest of the ride you sit there, looking out the window just hearing Tommy and Toby giggling and talking. He never laughed with me or talked with Me when we shared Airpods... No. Y/n, You're just overthinking. They're best friends. "we're here!" Wilbur says, Parking the car. As everyone gets out, Toby walks away to talk to Tommy and Ranboo. Okay... you can talk to S/n? oh, she's talking to Jschlatt and Wilbur. Oh well. You've been alone before. You walk into the arcade, and you just stay quiet. Nobody really notices. Not like they did anyways. You walk away from everyone and just start playing games yourself. 

TW: Harassment, Bullying, Blood, Etc. Read at your own risk, please.

You felt someone punch your shoulder. It was... Some tall brunette kid with his other friends I'm assuming? "Hey, dork. I see you like these baby games, who even plays alien blasters anymore?" he said. He looked like a Highschool Jock. With his stupid sports jacket, and don't get me started on his friends... They all had the same jackets as if they're all on a team or something. There were at least 5 of them in total. "excuse me? Don't ignore us Broad," One of them said. They start getting closer, and one of them throws me to the floor. "Ow," you say rubbing your arm and trying to get up.

"Hey don't get up! look at us when we're talking idiot," One of the boys said kicking me back down leaving his foot on me. Great. "you're causing a commotion, can we please take this outside, 'sir '?" I say, and they agree. As I get up he grabs my arm making sure I can't go anywhere and drags me outside throwing me on the wall of the building. "what do you want from me?" I say calmly, knowing if I stay calm it wouldn't hurt as bad. "First off, give us all of your tokens and money. Second, You're kinda cute..." "Excuse me? Did you just call me cute after calling me all those names, Bullying me, and even Harassing me?" I say angrily.

"Yeah, So? you're cute. Cmon, you know you like me," he said winking. "the only thing I like about you is when your quiet and out of my business, rat." I say. "What did you just call me?" He said. "Rat, Why? are you deaf? id be too if I had to hear my own voice every day. If I were you I wouldn't wanna wake up. Your pathetic y'know that? It's so sad you think I'm going to do ANYTHING with you after you did all of that, I feel bad for your parents. you're a disappointment. Nobody lo-" but before you can finish, he throws a punch. he looks at his friends and then you on the ground, nose starting to bleed. 

As his friends start to beat you up, You laugh. It's kind of funny, "Thought I was Cute?" You say, coughing up a bit of blood. "You were until you started back talking. You lost your pretty privileges." He said. As he puts his foot on your head, his friends just watching laughing, You hear a familiar voice. "Y/n?- Y/N HOLY- WHO THE BLOODY HECK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? GET THE HECK OFF OF HER." Wilbur screams at the boys who looked like freshmen, "Oh look! it's that one famous guy for playing a Children's game. Minecraft isn't a job, Bozo,"

I start laughing but laughing turns into coughing blood. "Y/n-" Wilbur gets cut off. "What's so funny, Broad?" The Boy says. "You, Do you really think insulting someone's career is an insult? no wonder you need a group of friends to help you beat me up, you couldn't even do it on your own. How Embarrassing." You laugh a bit but stop after some blood comes out, again. "Oh really? Im embarrassing? you're the one coughing out Blood! I can beat you up, You probably like that wouldn't you? You're a slut. You probably slept with so many guys since your hot, huh? pretty privilege huh?" He said. "And women, counting all of your mothers," You say snickering. 

One of the boys laughs.  "HEY, I  didn't say you can laugh Marcus, Shut up." He looked like a 'Marcus' kinda guy, which makes sense. "Get off of her, before I call security," One of the workers said. "Thank you, sir," Wilbur said, Helping me Up. I wipe the blood off of my nose, as the boys run away. "I'm so sorry ma'am, those boys are always here starting something- Oh, You're bleeding! Are you okay?" The worker said walking up to you and Wilbur. "yeah, I'm fine. They seemed like they did. I dealt with people doing this all the time in middle school, so I'm used to it pretty much," You say, chuckling. "You're coughing out blood, you sure?" Wilbur asked. "No no, yeah I'm fine. It's because my mouth was bleeding a bit. He looked concerned. 

"My name's Axel, What's your name by the way?" Axel said looking at us. "I'm Wilbur, This is Y/n," Wilbur says. "Nice to meet you guys! Do you guys want to go inside? Tokens on me, for what just happened..." "Sure! And it's fine, You're just doing your job Axel, no need for the tokens," I say. "A-Alright!" Axel says, embarrassed. As we all walk back into the arcade, Axel goes in the back into the 'employees only ' room to get some tissues for my nose. Wilbur and I sit down and see The group walking towards us. "Hey, Wil And Y/n!- Y/n what happened?!" S/n said running up to you. "Nothing, Just some Jocks beat me up," I say, Chuckling. "Ah, here Y/n!" Axel says handing you a Tissue box. "Thank you, Axel," I say, as I wipe some blood off I see Axel Blush. "Axel? whos Axel?" Toby asks, With slight annoyance in his voice.


HIII! Ty for reading <3 I hope you enjoyed it, I really liked this chapter! There may be angst ahead, Idk yet... but Im not spoiling, So you'll have to find out :) This chapter is also maybe one of my longest ones so far! so I hope you enjoyed it!

Word Count: 1468

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