Golden (12)

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"I'm glad," Toby says. "Do you wanna walk down the pier or the beach?" S/n asks, "We should walk down the beach so we get to stick our feet in the water with what time we have left Since the sun is almost about to set," I say. "alright, Code beach it is!" Toby says, As everyone walks down the pier to go into the beach area, Toby grabs your hand. You smile and place a quick peck on his cheek. 

As everyone continues to walk, You think of Toby. All you can think of is Toby every day, ever since he said you guys were together. It was like a dream come true then, now it's a reality. Once they arrive, You see Toby running against the shore with Tommy. You smile at the boys, They're best friends and you see that their friendship is so nice. Your glad they're happy. Then you see S/n, Wilbur, And Ranboo. All playing Tic-Tac-Toe in the sand. Everyone has someone to talk to besides you. You hear someone call your name, It's Axel? "Hey, Y/n! I heard it was your birthday and the arcade isn't so far so I walked to the beach thinking you'll be there, What a surprise! What's up? Also happy birthday! Here," Axel said Handing you a Tiny box. Toby and Tommy Immidietly run over to him. "Hey Buddy, She's not interested," Toby said. "Dude, I'm Gay," Axel said.

"O-Oh, sorry-" "It's fine," Axel then proceeded to watch you open the box. It's a year pass to the arcade, Free food and drinks for 3 people each time you go. Sweet. "Thank you, Axel!" I say, Hugging him. Toby still looked a bit angry but you shrugged it off. "So, sorry for crashing your party... Is it alright if I get your number though? I never got it last time," he said. "sure!" I reply, grabbing his phone he held out and typed my number in. "Thanks! You have a great Birthday Y/n, My boyfriend is waiting for me at the Arcade! He's actually a worker there too! You should meet him someday!" "Yeah, I should! See you later, Axel!" I reply as he walks away. Toby seemed less angry when he mentioned his 'Boyfriend ', I love seeing him Jealous. Only because I know He cares.

TW: Death, Hospital Mention, Etc.

"Hey Y/n! someone wants to talk to you, It's something about Mom and Dad I think?" S/n said walking over to you. She put the phone on speaker. "Hello, can you hear me?" The person said on the phone. "Yeah, What's up? Do I know you?" I say. "No, I work at the Hospital in Miami Florida, I'm sorry I didn't specify later," "Okay?" S/n said kind of worried now... Why would a hospital be calling us? "I'm sorry dear, But Your Mother and Father Passed away, on October 2nd Of 2021." It went silent all of a sudden. S/n hangs up and starts to cry. "Im glad they're gone, why are you crying..." I mumble. "What?" S/n says as everyone's comforting her. "Nothing," I reply. "why aren't you crying Y/n, Mom, and Dad are gone forever," S/n says through tears. "What's there to cry about?" I say curiously.

"what the heck? Your parents just DIED and you're acting like they didn't?! You're messed up Y/n after they put a roof over your head over 15 years-" "S/n are you Serious? Im not sad because you didn't know what they did under that roof. Every time you were at work They would threaten to kick me out of that Hell hole, And I wouldn't be mad if they did. But they didn't. And I don't CARE if they put a roof over my head, It's not a Bragging right, Its a responsibility. I didn't ASK for it? They're the ones that wanted to have me." I said angrily. I don't care if I let my anger get the best of me Because it would get it off my chest. 

"They were so nice, Now you Lie about your dead parents?" S/n said. She's not serious, is she?... "Y/n I'm sorry but It is a bit disrespectful..." Toby said, "Oh? So I'm just a big liar. Okay, Well then I guess ill tell the truth now. The truth is I'm done with you S/n. Im done with this all. I'm leaving," I say furious. I start to walk back home and nobody even Follows to check in on me. I don't care though. I run upstairs out of breath, From walking home. I slam my door and flop onto my bed. I start crying. Not because of my parents but how I lashed out like that.

I get a call, It's S/n. I Decline it, I don't wanna hear it. I hear the front door open though, And that might be her. Crap. "Y/n? Hello?" Toby says. Oh Thank goodness it's Toby, You hear someone run upstairs. You then hear a knock on your door. "Y/n? Dear, please open the door, it's me, Toby," He says knocking on the door nicely. "please, Darling?" He said. Dangit, he knew you would do it to that nickname. You get up and walk to the door still in tears. "I'm sorry for what I said..." Toby said hugging you and crying. "Baby, no, It's not your fault, You didn't know what they did, and I'm also sorry too for lashing out like that," I replied sobbing into his shoulder.


HEYY!! Sorry for the cliffhanger! BUTTT I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did writing it! :) Also, Happy birthday to whoever's actual birthday is today! <33 also Have an amazing day, remember to drink water and eat! sleep well! And have a good night if it's night, Or evening if so! Stay safe yall :)

Word Count: 974

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