I Missed You (3)

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"There's a Party going on for your arrival, so there are guests," S/n said pulling up. "Okay," you said unbuckling your seatbelt. You both get out of the car.

"It'll be okay," She says, nudging you slightly, both of you chuckle. Your sister locks the doors and walks up the stairs to your now-shared House.

"Stay Here, I'll tell them you're here," she said, as she opened the door leaving you outside kind of cold. "I'm not special enough for a party, am I?" you say to yourself.

You sat there for about 5 minutes.

"You just...going to sit there? Did you not hear the door open?" I hear someone say. I turn around, sighing. "Sorry, I,-"

You get nervous.


really nervous.

"Come here!" Toby says, your eyes tearing up. You sit up and hug him. You both smile.

"Y/n!" he said, You both let go. "Hey Y/n," Said a voice calmly greeting you. It was Ranboo "Hello Ranboo!" You said, Walking up to hug him. Having to look at him for the huge height difference, you chuckle to yourself and pull away. "So How have you been?" He asked softly. "Pretty good. It's been so long since we talked! I missed you all so much, But How have you been?" You reply, making some pretty good conversations, and actually lightening up a little.

You Continued talking to Ranboo and Toby, However, You were proud of yourself for even making a conversation last this long. Ever since The day you Moved To Florida, You weren't the same.

And it wasn't because of an angsty teen phase! so, suck it, ma!

You didn't go out much, You Barely talked to anyone and when you did it was online. But even then, you always avoided confrontation and ignored most messages from them.

so, what was the point?

"Y/n? You okay?" Ranboo said Chuckling. You can tell he was smiling slightly under his mask.

  (A/N, Speaking of masks, COVID DOESN'T EXIST. Plus, I know most of you reading this are chronically online trying to avoid reality and what's going on in the world right now, so...You're all welcome.) 

"A-Ah, Yeah Sorry. I zoned out for a sec' huh?"

As You, Ranboo, and Toby continue to talk, It gets slightly dry. Or, at least for Toby. He leaves, leaving you and Ranboo alone.

When you continue talking to Ranboo, you can feel someone staring at you.

You looked from the corner of your eye, seeing it was Toby. But he was with S/n? S/n looked like she was teasing Toby for something.

Does he Like her? No. Why do I care? I don't. I'm happy for them. Whatever. do I... Like him? No... Do I? crap. No. It was a Phase. I think. Why am I even jumping to these kinds of conclusions already!? they're just talking!

"Y/n? hey, Are you sure you're okay? Something on your mind...?" Ranboo asked concerned looking down at you and rubbing his neck. "Sorry. I keep getting lost in my Thoughts." You say feeling sorry you keep zoning out in front of the poor guy. He's trying to talk And you keep thinking about Toby. "Well, I think I'm going to go eat whatever British people eat over there. Talk to you later N/n? (Nick/Name)?" He asked.

"yeah, See you around, Ranboo!" You said Smiling. As he walks away, You grab a Coke from the drink table and sit down on the couch. Of course, you didn't mind being alone. You were always alone anyway.

"Y/n!" S/n Called out. Drunk... I mean, she's 20, I don't care. but there are other adults here luckily...Right? I think... I hope. How did she get drunk that fast?? was she drunk while driving?! Oh my gosh.

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