Too hard on Yourself (11)

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No. They couldn't have forgotten. You're just overthinking. Be grateful. I sigh. It's alright Y/n, we have a whole day ahead of us. They could be just late... Maybe you're right! your thoughts got cut off by a knock at the door. You walk over and see who it is. You don't recognize him. "Hello? Uhm, Do I know you?" I ask. "Yea, You do. Its Ranboo?"  said. "I- wait, You forgot your Mask and glasses, I'm so sorry I looked here let me get you your Mask, and-" You got cut off. Ranboo grabbed your arm, "Y/n Really. It's fine, I know I don't have them on," He said calmly. "O-oh, sorry," I said rubbing my neck.

"I'm supposed to drive you places for today. Happy birthday, Y/n," He said. I smile. Maybe they didn't forget. "C'mon, You should change into something presentable. we don't wanna be late, do we?" he said, softly. "Yeah," I say. I walk upstairs as he sits on the couch. I quickly change, Something comfortable, but also presentable. not too fancy, not too lazy. I quickly run back downstairs and tell Ranboo I'm ready. We Get in the car. He starts to drive, I never knew he could drive... (A/N! For the sake of the story Ranboo can drive Lol) As he drives to a nearby park, We listen to Some of his Favorite Lemon Demon songs.

We finally arrive around 5 minutes later, and he parks the car in the parking lot. "Gosh, I don't know how you Brits drive around like that?! Y'know, In America we drive the 'right way " Ranboo Exclaims. I just chuckle at him. As we walk into the park, We both sit on a bench. There's a note under it? "I know you see it, So Go on. read it Y/n," Ranboo said Grabbing the piece of paper under the bench and handing it to you.

"Happy Birthday Today! are you having fun? If not that's okay, your going to. Go to the beach, And you'll see some 'kid(s)'. The 'kid(s)' will then lead you to an even bigger and better note, Then leading to the grand surprise!"


Huh? what does that mean? "Well? C'mon," Ranboo said. "Alright. We Going back into the car?" I ask. "well, the beach is just a block away, so now we can walk! also, someone is here waiting for us... We should've picked them up to go with us 2 minutes ago," Ranboo said Checking his watch. "all alright?" I say. "stay here, One second." Ranboo said getting up. A minute later, you hear a familiar voice. "Well, Hello Y/n!" Tommy said. "Hello!" I replied getting up and hugging him. "Is that everyone?" I reply. "Mhm, Let's get going. We have two more places to go," Tommy Said. As everyone gets up, we all start walking towards the beach. As we Arrive, I feel someone jump on my back. 

"Happy birthday Girl!" S/n Says, as you fall on the floor. We all burst out laughing. "Hey, S/n! Thank you!" I say Getting up and patting myself off from the sand. We Find another note in a bottle under the tree on the bench we all usually sit at the beach whenever we go. I grab the bottle and open it. I read the note aloud,

"Hello Dear, It seems you have found the note! Come to The pier Entrance to see, someone standing there. Me! The golden surprise is near,  so don't rush it.  Do you want to know who it is? Then hurry up, the pier entrance is your next adventure. Your surprise awaits you, love :)"


You blush at the Nicknames. You have an idea who this may be. "Well, It's not that far of a walk there so let us get to walking!" S/n said. "alright, alright," I say. We all walk to the pier, it took us at least 10 or 8 minutes. Once we finally get there we see a bench. Then you see someone sitting on it, someone familiar. Everyone runs up to him, leaving you behind.  You chuckle a bit, once you walk up to them you see Toby Holding a Fake Rose. "Here, Since Real roses die, You can keep this one forever!" Toby said, handing you the rose. It's sunset, and it's so pretty. This is the perfect moment you've always wanted. you want it to always last, you want to just sit here and spend the rest of your life here with him... you wish you can stare at him forever and never lose him. "Uhm, Y/n? If you don't like it I can always replace it!-" Toby says. "No, I love it. I just kinda got lost in my thoughts," I say taking the rose and planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Hey, Is there something you need to tell us?!" Wilbur says laughing behind him. Shoot, I didn't even know Wilbur was here! "Ah, No? I think it should be obvious," I say Sarcasticly rolling my eyes. "I thought you guys were 'just friends' " Tommy said and everyone laughs a bit. You forgot about that, why did he have to remind you... "Nope," Toby says, "I've scored a very nice woman, I'm a lucky man Tom's" Toby continues to say. You blush slightly. "Well, Happy Birthday Y/n!" Toby said, as he hugs you and you hug him back. Everyone else goes in for a group hug. (A/N!, I forgot to mention once Ranboo left the house, when he got in the car he put his Mask and Glasses on Incase they're recognized in public! and For the sake of the story, They're also at Brighton Pier right now!)  

"This is the best birthday I could have asked for," I say.


YOOOO! LET'S GOOO FINALLY A HAPPY CHAPTER! POG! AND IT WAS DECENTLY LONG! :D Also, Thanks for reading my book!! We've got some upvotes, I was so happy when I saw that! I was so happy to see I also have over 100 views on this as well, It makes me happy to see people actually wanna read my story :) Well, I love you all! Thanks, Take care!

Word Count: 1026

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