It was supposed to be Special. (10)

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"Oh, Axel's the Worker that helped me!" I said.  "uh, Okay," he said a bit angry. "well, it's almost 12! We should get going guys, Tomorrow is A Big day... Bye Axel!" said Tommy, Knowing why Toby was Angry. Tomorrow was a big day; It was Your Birthday. (A/N, Yes, You went Swimming In OCTOBER. BUT, It was because it was fairly warm.) Before we left Axel tapped my shoulder. "H-Hey Y/n! is it alright if I get your number?" "Uhm, No thanks. C'mon Y/n." Toby pulled me away from Axel and walked back to the crowd. "what was that, Toby?!" I say as everyone else walked ahead of us. "You can't just cheat on me Y/n." "Cheat on you?! I thought we were 'Just friends '?!" I reply, tears threatening to come out of my eyes. "No, We aren't. I just said that because They didn't know yet!" He said back a bit snappy. "OH? okay then, If that's true then why didn't you even tell me?!" I said back tears finally slipping out at his voice. "Y/n. I thought you knew..." he said after he saw your tears he immidietly felt guilty.

"cmon guys, Stop flirting and get in the car!" Ranboo said, from the car. As we get in the car, it was quiet. I wipe my tears and sit there. For the rest of the ride, everyone else but me and Toby talked. When you guys got home, everyone helped out getting the stuff from the car into the house. Once that was done, we all sat down on the sofa. "So, You all staying over or going?" S/n said. "I think I'll go," Tommy said. Everyone else agreed that they would also get going beside Toby. Toby and S/n talk while you walk upstairs. You didn't really care about today. you just wanted to lay down and cry. An hour later, you hear your door open. Then shut, and locked.

"Hey, Y/n..." Toby said. "Hi." I reply back, wiping my tears not turning around to face him. "Look I'm sorry. I thought you knew, and I got jealous, and I-" "it's okay," I say softly sniffling. "Can I, uhm, Can I cuddle with you?" He asked. "of course, no need to ask" I replied turning around. "I'm sorry I made you cry, love," He said wrapping his arms around you and resting his head on your head. "It's okay," I say. He kisses my head and I hold his hand tighter. "Im just glad your not mad at me anymore," I say and we both chuckle softly.

"I Love you, Y/n," ... "I Love you too, Toby," We both tell each other, as we drift asleep.

As I wake up, I realise Toby's gone. Aw man. I get up and stretch. I pick out some clothes, (A/N! your choice of what you wear!) and look at myself in the mirror. "Pog," I say to myself. I walk downstairs, and nobody is home. Odd... Oh well. I put some toast in the toaster, and when it pops up I put butter on it and eat it. I sit down on the sofa and watch some tv. a couple of hours later, still, nobody's home. 

I wonder why. I mean, They didn't forget your birthday. 

Did they?.. it was supposed to be special...


NO, THIS ISNT THE END OF THE STORY, Just a cliffhanger! Also, sorry if this chapter was really short. I was providing so many long chapters though! I am kind of exhausted, Lol. I hope you enjoyed those<33 Ily all! :) Please remember to eat, drink water, and sleep! Take care<33 

Word Count: 611

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