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A few years had passed and you are now at the ripe age of fourteen. During those years, you developed a bond with the new son of Pepa and Félix: Antonio, whom you were currently playing with, but left in order to do your chores. While you were on the job, you bump into a hidden passage that led to the inner workings of Casita. Curious, you explore the place, unexpectedly bumping into Bruno, who hesitantly tells you about his disappearance and the vision he saw during the night of Mirabel's ceremony. Feeling bad for the seer, you promise to pay him frequent visits, causing the man to grow even closer to you.


Today was bright with a few clouds littering the sky. Rays of sunlight beamed down, causing beads of sweat to form on your forehead as you lugged a box of decorations, making your way to La Casa Madrigal. This morning was the preparation of Antonio's gift ceremony, and you had to admit, you were nervous ever since the last one, which was Mirabel's. It made you wonder if the boy was going to get a gift at all – and if he didn't, what would that say about the miracle? You recall Bruno's vision as you continue to walk, slightly quickening your pace.

While you were speeding through, you see Mirabel prancing and singing to a bunch of kids. Once she notices you, she waves, and you return the gesture. She trudges up to you, singing as she twirls you around, introducing you to the kids in her little song about her familia. Finishing up, she grabs your arm and drags you along once the kids start to chase and pester her about her non-existent gift.

Stopping in front of the manor, your group halts when you hear a woman's voice calling out.

"Mirabel! What are you doing...?" Abuela shouted as she stood in front of the entrance to Casita.

"She was about to tell us about her super awesome gift!" A little girl yelled, interrupting Mirabel who was attempting to explain the situation to the matriarch.

"Oh, Mirabel didn't get one – hm!" Dolores squeaked as she hurriedly goes back to help with the preparations. The children turn to her, befuddled at her lack of powers when all the other Madrigal kids received one.

"If I was you, I'd be really sad."

"Well, my little friend, I am not. Truth is, gift or no gift, I'm just as special as the rest of my family."

"That's right. If anything, she's even more special because she's unique from the others." You interject as you wrap your arm around her shoulder. Mirabel blushed at your defense of her. You still wouldn't let anyone tell her off about lacking a gift. Readying yourself to tell how cool and amazing the spectacled girl is, you were interrupted by a man riding a donkey who approached your group.

"Special delivery for Mirabel! I call it the 'not special' special since you're the only Madrigal kid without a gift. Ooh, and tell Antonio good luck! Last gift ceremony was a bummer—" The man stopped as he saw you glare at him. Sheepishly smiling, he gets on his donkey and heads back into town.

Your group looked up to see that the other Madrigals were helping with the preparations, showing off their powers in the process.

"Maybe your gift is being in denial." A girl exclaimed as you all stare at the display before you. Huffing, Mirabel drags you inside and leads you to the kitchen as you both place the boxes of decorations down. The curly-haired girl talks with her mother while the healer reassures her about her lack of a special ability.

"She's right amor, first gift ceremony since yours. Lot of emotions." Agustín emerged with a swollen face and hand, which made you grimace a bit as he comforted his hija by placing his bee sting-filled hand on hers.

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