Chapter 8

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(The Heart Wants What It Wants By Selena Gomez)

Rylee's Pov

"You seem quite stressed." The brunette male who has been staring at me all night said.

I would be lying if I said that his staring didn't affect me because it did. And for some reason I didn't mind. I didn't mind feeling his eyes on me while I worked. I didn't mind his eyes on me as I hung out with Eryn and Julie having the time of my life, even after Jason came in.

He came in here saying that he wants his daughter? She isn't his daughter, he lost the right to call her his daughter when he didn't show up to the hospital.

When he didn't care to help name her, when he didn't care to learn her birthday, when he didn't care to help me after i gave birth, and when he didn't care enough to help me raise her. He lost every right when he laid a hand on me.

"Just a bit." I shrugged my shoulders with a smile on my face trying to hide how I was feeling.

Why can people always tell that something was wrong? Why can people see right through me? The guys next to him were laughing and carrying on except for the dark haired man right next to him. He was staring at Eryn, again. I laughed as he quickly broke his stare and turned to face the brown haired man.

"You're staring at my best friend a lot. I know she's hot, but man." I leaned my elbows against the bar and faced them with a smile.

"Down bad already, Foolish?" The brown haired male laughed at him and he held up his middle finger.

"Shut up Sam, you're down bad too." Foolish said with a sly grin.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Eryn walked up next to me and laughed at the two arguing men.

"You have been staring at my best friend all night." Eryn then held her arms around my shoulders and I smiled at her.

"We're the hotter pair though." Foolish said as he and Eryn high fived.

"You two are weird." The guy, Sam and I mumbled at the same time causing me to laugh.

This was different. I've never felt this free, I've never felt this happy. Your life can change in a matter of seconds and you have to push through, or lose. And I don't lose.

My phone started ringing and I looked at Eryn who nodded. I went out from behind the bar and picked it.

"Hello?" I spoke, pushing loose strands of my hair behind my ears.

"Hey Rylee! Iris said that she wasn't feeling good and we took her temperature and she's got a fever. What do you want us-"

"I'll be right over." I cut Greg off and closed my phone.

I went to the bar and waved Eryn over.

"I need to go, Iris isn't feeling well and she has a fever." I rambled out and Eryn smiled at me.

"That's fine, take my car." She took her keys off of her belt loop and handed them to me.


"Take the car, Rylee." Eryn told me and I nodded my head.

I went to the back and put on a zip up jacket, leaving it open. I grabbed my wallet, just in case I needed to go anywhere and get anything. I walked past everyone, the guy, Sam, who's been staring at me all night gave me a confused look as I walked past him and out the door. The cool breeze hit me and I pulled the jacket over my chest, zipping it up.

"Hey you okay? You kinda ran out of there quickly."
I turned around feeling stunned by the entire situation.

He actually is worried about me freaking out and leaving quickly? When has anyone cared enough to actually check up. Besides Eryn and Julie, who I have just met, nobody has checked up on me. Ruby checked up on me, but if there was something wrong he couldn't be here in person which sucked.

"Yeah, my-" I stopped myself from saying daughter.

I'm not ashamed of Iris, or having a daughter. I just- some people aren't the nicest, so i'm just scared. One time a woman that I didn't even know, tried to take Iris from me. She said I wasn't fit to be a mother and that I didn't deserve her. I have no idea where that woman is now, but god that situation scarred me. I can't look at people the same, I guess that's why I have such a hard time opening up.

"My daughter is sick." I held my head up and faced him, taking Eryn's keys from my pocket and unlocking her car.

I held the keys in between my fingers. It's sad that I feel scared, but sometimes situations leave marks and you can't get over them.

"Oh that's not good. I'm sorry about that, do you need any help?" He asked and the keys fell from between my fingers.

He was offering me help? He was willing to drop everything and help me and my kid? He doesn't even know me, yet he still has a heart of gold. I took a deep breath and crossed my arms.

"No, I think I've got it." I mumbled out and he nodded.

"Let me know if you do need help." He said, taking out his phone and handing it to me.

Is this really happening? I took his phone from his hands and put my number in. Why did I just do that? I hesitantly handed him back his phone and turned around.

"Hey Rylee?" He called out as I opened the car door.

I lifted my head and faced him. He was standing there smiling, with his arms crossed.

"Yeah?" I responded lightly, terrified that he was going to change his mind and laugh in my face.

Though he doesn't seem like the type of guy, Jason ruined it for me. Now I'm scared, no matter what, I'm terrified.

"You're not alone."

Sometimes it's better to hear those words from strangers. Sometimes it's better to not hear them at all. And sometimes it's better to hear them every day even if you don't want to. I held Iris in my arms as she fell asleep.

I'm thankful that Eryn has the rooms soundproof because I know she wouldn't fall asleep with the music playing. It's currently only 12am, and she's laying on my chest, breathing heavily. She has a ninety nine fever, it's been going up and going down.
I laid her down and went to my bag.

I grabbed my wallet and counted the money I had on me. I ran my fingers through my hair and took a deep breath. I have another shoot tomorrow and I work the bar tomorrow. What am I supposed to do with Iris? She's not going to want to go anywhere. Whenever she gets sick, she just lays in bed all day. She doesn't like to move and she doesn't like to do anything.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head on the desk in the room. I need to figure out what to do. A notification sounded out throughout the room from my phone. I got up and grabbed my phone, opening it.

Hey it's Sam, are you and your daughter okay?

I smiled down at the message and looked back at Iris. What if I just don't answer? What if I just ghost him? What if-
Before I knew it my fingers were typing away at a reply.

She's okay, I think she's got a cold, asleep right now.

And you?

What do you mean?

How are you feeling?

Oh I'm just tired
And stressed but that's fine
I'll be okay

Do you need anything?

Do you know any good babysitter? I mean if you don't that's okay but tomorrow I'm really stumped with work and I know Iris isn't gonna want to get out of bed.

Lucky for you my mom is a babysitter

1372 Words

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