Chapter 14

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(Chasing Cars By Snow Patrol)

Rylee's Pov

"Do you need a ride?" Eryn asked, and I shook my head.

"No, Sam let me take his car." I took out the keys and hugged my jacket closer to me.

Julie wasn't working tonight, it was just Eryn and I. I unlocked the car and opened the door. I sat down, putting my bag in the passenger's seat.

"You get home safely." Eryn spoke before getting into her car.

I started the car and started driving back to the house. Music blasted throughout the car. Sam didn't have to know about that. I tapped my fingers along to the beat on the leather steering wheel.

I loved to drive. I don't know anything about cars except for the fact that they are freedom seeking and thrilling.

I pulled in front of the house and got out of the car. It's three am so I doubt anyone is awake. I walked into the house, took off my shoes. I noticed Sam asleep on the couch with Iris laying on top of him.

Chasing Cars By Snow Patrol was on in the background. I let out a breath as I stood there staring at the sight.

I walked over and covered them in a blanket before grabbing a glass of water. I walked back to the guest room, stopping to see if there wasn't any movement from either of them.

I closed the bedroom door when I knew that there wasn't. I grabbed clothes and went to the bathroom so I could shower. I turned the water on and took my hair out.

This has to be the best part about getting home so late. Showering while you're about to fall asleep is a different feeling. I washed my hair and my mind was calm for once. I felt safe. I not only felt safe in this house, I felt safe in his presence.

I turned off the shower and brushed my hair before laying in bed. I was contemplating moving Iris, but I didn't want to wake either of them up. I laid my head back on my pillow and I smiled. For the first time in a while, it was a true, real, smile.

I'm beyond happy and it's scary to me. It's scary because I feel like a part of me thinks I don't deserve this because I've been in the situation with Jason for so long, I felt like I deserved that. I felt like that's what I got in life, and there was no other option or choice for something different.

I was trapped and now that I finally escaped I can see what life is really about. What life really holds, and how amazing it can be.

All because of him.

He showed me that it was okay to ask for help, and though I am still having some trouble, I'm getting better. I'm growing not only as a person but as a mother.

It's scary to start to realize how much I'm changing and how much I'm looking through life basically through another set of eyes.

A new perspective.

And it's a good one.

"Momma. Momma. Momma." I heard a soft voice repeat as I felt a poke on my face.

"Sammy, I think she's dead."

"She's not dead. Wait- How do you know what death means?"

"I cool." She boasted.

I opened my eyes and saw Iris's face right above mine.

"HELLO?" Iris screamed in my face, causing me to groan.

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