Chapter 9

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(Over You By Daughtry)

Rylee's Pov

TW- Abuse

I held Iris in my arms as I knocked on the door of the small house. It held a homey feeling from outside and I think Iris felt it too. Her head was held up instead of on my shoulder and she was confused at where she was. I couldn't take her to Greg and Meghan's anymore because Jason has been there every day waiting for Iris to be there.

I really need to get that restraining order on him. Iris grabbed tighter onto me when the door opened. A brown haired woman with a warm smile greeted me.

"You must be Rylee." She said softly and I nodded with a smile on my face.

"It's nice to meet you." I smiled at her after she invited me inside.

"I'm Shea, Sam's mom. I'm sure you know that though. This is..?"

"Iris!" Iris shouted with a smile on her face and I was taken back about how happy she was right now.

"Hi Iris."

This was going to be okay. I let out a deep breath and smiled before putting Iris down and letting her walk around. She sat on the floor next to her toys and stared up at us and I shook my head with a smile on my face.

"Do you both have any allergies?" Shea asked, pulling out a notebook.

"Nope, we're both good." I smiled and she nodded her head.

"Since you'll be back for dinner and then leaving again, i'll be making you both dinner."

"No you don't need to-" I tried to ramble out quickly and she held up her hand stopping me.

"I am, and I will. My son and a couple of his friends are coming over for dinner, I hope you don't mind."

"I have no problem with that." I answered almost too quickly.

I closed Julie's car door. Julie gave me her car for today since I didn't have one which I am extremely grateful for. I got out of the car with my camera at the meeting point and looked around for the couple. A girl with black hair and a guy with brown hair greeted me with a smile. This shoot was going to be a boring one, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. They wanted to just do a normal shoot in a field and they wore casual clothes.

Once the shoot was done I grabbed a coffee from the shop in town and I sat on a bench out front of the place and started editing the photos. Something felt off, but I looked around and everything was okay. I let out a breath and told myself that I was overreacting before someone sat down next to me.

"Rylee." His voice was flat and it made me freeze.

"Jason." I responded back with the same coldness, not looking at him.

Not giving him any of my attention and that pissed him off.

"Look at me." He demanded and I smiled a little.

"I don't feel like it. I'm busy." I bit my tongue back from saying more things that I wanted to say.

"You have to come home. Your parents showed up at our apartment."

I felt my heart sink as I turned to him, closed my computer and put it in my bag.

"Home is nowhere with you Jason, and that is not our apartment. It's yours. I want nothing to do with you. I'm finally putting the piece back together of my life that you destroyed, so for once in your life do something good and leave my daughter and I, alone." I walked away from him and he scoffed, pulling my arm and turning me to face him.

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