Getaway Car

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Nothing good starts in a getaway car, Inej thought as the black Mustang sped out of the parking lot.

It was the best of times and worst of crimes.

The ties were black, the lies white, and shades of gray and candlelight all around.

Inej had wanted to leave him but she needed a reason.

Her boyfriend always wanted things she refused to give, and tonight at prom had been the last straw, it was her reason.

He'd tried to give her drugged punch and 'try some things out' in the band classroom. Inej had struck out and kicked him in the shins, running out of the room leaving her heels behind. She ran out into the parking lot barefoot, her purple dress flaring out behind her. Tears were biting at the backs of her eyes but she refused to let them fall, not over him.

He wasn't worth it.

Inej didn't know where she was going, she just wanted to get out, get away, and get fresh air.

Bursting out of the back doors to the gym, she thought she was alone until she noticed a shadow move out of the corner of her eye.

Kaz Brekker was leaning against the wall in a black suit, watching her with a lit cigarette between his gloved fingers. Inej felt a jolt of panic, realizing that there was really no one else around.

There were rumors going around that Kaz had murdered a man in cold blood, right here at the back of the school. The man had never been seen again, dead or alive. No one had proof Brekker had done it, but he was a monster, everyone knew it. Cold and unforgiving. Possibly a murderer. And alone with her. In the dark. Where he might have killed a man.

But Kaz didn't come towards her, didn't move at all. He just watched her from the wall, the two of them staring at each other.

"Get dumped?" He said, finally breaking the silence with his rough, gravelly voice.

"I dumped him." She corrected, sitting down on the curb not turning her back to him.

Kaz looked faintly amused.

"What did he do?"

"Tried to give me drugged punch. So I gave him a good punch and ran." Kaz gave a dark little laugh.

"Nice. Will he be looking for you then, or did you knock him out?" Inej startled.

"Knock him out?" She asked incredulously. "I'm not trying to get arrested, I just wanted to get away." Kaz raised a black eyebrow.

"It's self defense."

"Somehow I doubt his school board member mother will see it that way." Kaz considered her. Inej felt pinned under his gaze, unable to move and usure of what she would do if she could anyway.

"Need a ride home?" Inej's eyes narrowed in suspicion. He was a suspected murderer and he expected her to get in a car with him after dark? "I won't bite." He laughed at her expression.

The door to the gym slammed open and Inej jumped up. Light filtered out into the night and a boy's silhouette was framed in the doorway.

Inej knew that silhouette.

"On second thought," she said, backing away into the parking lot. Kaz was beside her in an instant,  directing her to his car near the entrance. A black Mustang was almost invisible in the shadow beneath a tree, lying low to the ground. It looked fast, like a getaway car. Perfect.

They ran towards the car, Kaz limping a bit with his bad leg, his crow-headed cane thumping the asphalt. Inej tried to use the steady rhythm to calm her racing heart and gasping breath, but to no avail.

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