Don't Blame Me

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Inej slipped out of the shadows outside Pekka Rollins's country home, silently trying to convince her Saints of her actions.

Threatening to carve out a man's heart? Making the first cut and leaving behind a little something beside his son just to frighten him more?

It wasn't even a job for Kaz this time. This time she did it because she wanted to. She wanted Rollins to be afraid and to leave Ketterdam alone. Leave Kaz alone.

Don't blame me. Love made me crazy.

She whispered to her Saints whom she could feel frowning down on her right then. She thought of Kaz when he'd told Rollins he had buried his son, of how Rollins went to his knees to beg Kaz tell him where he was.

Pekka Rollins was on his knees before Kaz, offering him everything and anything and the only thing Kaz had asked for was for Rollins to bring his brother back. If Inej hadn't been so stunned by the idea of Kaz burying a little boy alive, her heart would have broken for the bastard of the Barrel, who just wanted his big brother back.

Afterwards, she ran through the scene in her head over and over again, her heart breaking every time. Rollins had done this to him, had taken his brother. He had hurt Kaz and made him into a monster. He put Kaz through unbearable pain and loss, twisting the innocent, caring boy he had been. Rollins had hurt Kaz, hurt her Kaz and someone had to pay.

Inej hated Pekka Rollins and so that was where she would start.

She left his house satisfied. Rollins would not come back to Ketterdam, and he would not come near Kaz ever again.

Inej thought of Kaz and what he would say when he found out. Would she tell him? How would that conversation go?

For you, I would cross the line. I would waste my time. I would lose my mind.

She could almost hear her Saints whispering to each other far above. "She's gone too far this time."

Inej shook her head as if to clear it and started the journey back to Ketterdam. She would go to Fifth Harbor first, stop at her ship docked there.

There was other business to attend to.


Kaz stood looking out over the waters of Fifth Harbor.

Don't blame me. Love made me crazy.

Would Inej blame him? He killed the man because he had hurt her. He had purchased Inej for a night when she was enslaved at the Menagerie. Kaz had tracked the man down and given him a slow and very painful death.

He wondered how he would explain this to her, what he'd done.

For you, I would fall from grace just to touch your face. If you walk away I'd beg you on my knees to stay. Please don't blame me, love made me crazy.

Kaz shook his head and laughed at himself. 


Inej deserved so much better.

She deserved someone like Kaz Rietveld had been. Not Kaz Brekker and definitely not Dirtyhands.

My name is whatever you decide.

He could almost hear her response. I'm just going to call you mine.

I'm insane but I'm your baby. I love your name inside my mind. I'm hiding my obsession. 

Kaz could see The Wraith docked at her berth, small and deadly, just like her captain. She was probably there right now, sleeping or planning for her departure in a week's time.

He sighed and turned away. He wouldn't bother her.

Besides, there was other business to attend to.

But then, a voice called out to him, one he knew and liked very much, but not from the direction he would expect.

Inej was not standing on the deck of her ship, but behind him as if just returning.

"Didn't think I'd see you here." She said to him, coming up to stand beside him. "What business, Kaz?"

"No business." said Kaz. "Just passing through."

"Want to stop by for a bit?"

"I shouldn't."

"But do you want to?" There was a pause.

"Yes." He admitted. She smiled and led him onto her ship.

"Come look at the plans with me."

Yes, there was other business to attend to, but right now that could wait.

Spending the night talking with Inej was far more appealing.

Don't blame me, love made me crazy. If it doesn't you aren't doing it right. 

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