part 20

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Mia's POV
We walked into the room with the girls and mer and Maggie were already in there "hey guys some girls want to meet their mom" I said we push the girls over to Amelia's bed "how are they" Amelia asked me "see for yourself" I told her getting out both of the twins for her to hold "they're perfect" Amelia said "hey Amelia take off their little blankets there is a surprise" zona told Amelia she opened it and on Lexie's onesie it said 'will you' and on riles it said 'marry our mama' then Amelia looked up at me

"seriously?" Amelia said "yes seriously! last time you asked me so I did this time and I'm assuming we'll make it to plan our wedding" I said "well that is if I say yes" Amelia said joking "Amelia Frances shepherd say yes already" we heard Arizona say from the chair of the room

We all started laughing "well girls I think I'm going to marry your mama" she said kissing me first then I girls forehead "zona where is your girlfriend" Amelia asked "she is- wait how do you know about it" Arizona said then she looked at me and smacked my arm hard

"you bitch I didn't say anything" I told her "Mia you can't say that" Amelia said "sorry Arizona I didn't tell her" I said then Arizona smacked me again "what was that for" i asked her "you called me a bitch" Arizona said "I'm sorry I love you" I said with a friendly kiss on the forehead

"but jo probably told her because they're like besties now" I told Arizona we looked at melia who was busy looking at the girls and kissing them "well um I'll come back later if you need anything call me" Arizona said leaving "come sit by me" Amelia told me she patted at spot right by her when I sat down by her she just looked at me for little bit the kissed me I kissed her back "you scared me" I told her "you guys too" I said looking down at the girls

"I'm sorry I did everything just happened fast then before I knew it black" she told me "no don't you helped and your grew our girls and I love you for that" I told her "do you know when I can get out of here" she asked me laying her head on my shoulder "I can go ask for you" I said starting to get up "no stay with me" she said then we saw link come into the room with balloons and a big pink stuffed teddy bear

Amelia's POV
"Hey" I said to link who was standing in the door way with balloons and a pink teddy bear
"I came by to meet them before I leave" he told us then I started crying because he has been here throughout the whole pregnancy and now he is actually leaving us and the girls

"what's wrong" Mia asked me "he is leaving after all this time" I said "I'll come and visit you guys" link said "what about the girls" I said to him "I'll be known as the cool uncle" he said "are you sure that's what you want" Mia asked "yeah in some weird way the girls feel more like your kids than mine and if they ever ask then yeah we should probably tell them" link said "tell them that their dad is their uncle" Mia said then we started laughing

"maybe not like that but we'll find a way to tell them that's if they ask" I told them "or you could just be their dad" Mia told link "Mia I told you I took the offer in Boston" he told Mia "but you don't have to you can stay here and be the dad and co-parent with us" I told him

"link do you really wanna miss this" Mia asked him I think he was actually thinking about this and staying here with us "so what I just stay here and what" link said "be a dad" me and Mia both said in sync "ok let's do this hold them and tell me you don't feel a connection with them" I told him handing him Lexie

he was holding her and I saw the light in his eyes he can't deny that he doesn't want to miss them grow up "hey little one I'm your dad" link said talking in his baby voice touching her little fingers when he said that me and Mia both looked at each other and I started crying

"omg" Mia said laughing link tried not to laugh but he couldn't help "you guys are bullies" I told them "I have to go but I should be back tomorrow" link told us "you're going back to Boston" Mia asked him "I'll be back" he said then he just rushed out the room.

Time jump- 2 days later

Mia's POV
Amelia and the girls got released from the hospital yesterday and link is suppose to be meeting us at the house because today is the day he is coming back from Boston officially to be here but he is taking forever which is weird

I walk into me and Amelia room to find her crying "hey what's wrong" I asked her she just fell into my arms "he-he's gone" was all I could really hear her say "who is" I asked her but she didn't respond "babe who is gone" I asked her again this time she looked up at me

"link he got into a car crash when they got there he was already gone to be saved" she said and cried more into me I kissed her forehead and just let her cry it out "um someone should call jo she needs to know" I said then I got my phone and started to call her

"hey um jo" I said through the phone my voice was kinda breaking through the cries "what happened" she asked me "link he is gone" I told her there was a moment of silence then I heard crying coming from the other end of the phone then the call just ended

Since this whole covid thing happened everyone is dying from left to right or getting sick or starting riots it's like a mad house

soooo that happened!! Remember eat, drink it's important

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