Chapter One

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The storm was unremitting. It raged. Thunder reverberating like an animalistic snarl. The water was rough and tetchy, rocking the ship with violent gusts. It'd been two days since the Deakin set sail from New Emili. Two nights of vehement waves, forbidding storms and impediment seasickness.

"I'm going to die," Andy whined clinging tightly to the banister. They were below deck in a small, windowless cabin between the captain's cabin and the rest of the ship. The cabin had bunks fixed onto the hull. Arlin had the top bunk and Andy had the bottom.

"You're not going to die," Arlin said, his tone jaded, as he leaned over his banister and peered down at Andy with a lazy eye roll. "Relax."

Andy gave him an irked look. "It's never a good idea to tell a panicking person to relax," he deadpanned. The shipped listed to the side and he almost fell out of his bed. He pulled himself back, swallowing bile. "I hate storms."

Arlin slumped back into his bed. "Could you hate them a little more quietly," he said. "I'm trying to sleep."

"And we definitely wouldn't want to ruin your beauty sleep."

"Right." He yawned. "Glad you understand."


As if.

They had been sailing for two days, most of which Arlin had spent sleeping. How someone could possibly sleep so much, Andy had no idea. Especially on this damned ship. It rocked incessantly. Sleep had been scare for him. Which made him bitterly resent Arlin who found it so easily. They were still a day away from Zouye, according to captain Vae, he couldn't spend another day like this. He solemnly missed dry land.

But more importantly he was beside himself with worry. Worried about Anna. Was she headed for Ellimer right now? Or had Hae and Kol convinced her to return to the island with them. Maybe she'd done the responsible thing and let the Kuth handle the situation. But Andy wasn't holding his breath for that. He knew his sister. She was reckless and impulsive.

Andy was quiet for a moment, listening to Arlin's slowed breathing, the howling wind, the bulking waves and the roar of thunder. He closed his eyes and made a wish. He wished for his sister's safety.

"What's in Teri'are?" Andy asked hoping for a distraction. He didn't expect a reply. There was a chance Arlin was already asleep. The silence continued and he'd nearly give up, then...

"Why do you care?" Arlin asked.

"We're traveling together," he explained. "Would it hurt you to tell me why you're traveling half way around the world."

"I think it might," Arlin retorted.

"Arlin," Andy said pointedly.

"It's late." He gave an exaggerated yawn. "Do you ever sleep?"

"Not really. Do you ever get tired of sleeping?"

"No, not at all. I love sleeping. And I really should get back to it."

Andy wanted to argue but figured it'd be pointless. Arlin clearly wasn't in a mood to talk. "Fine."

Morning came with calmer seas and clearer skies. Andy woke unrested, sore and still nauseous. He rose stretching like a cat and yawning like a dog. It took him a second to notice Arlin's unmade and empty bunk, meaning he was already up. Andy pulled on his hoodie before he climbed up to the deck. Most of the ship's crew was already at work preparing to dock. With one look west, he could see they were close to land. He manoeuvred himself, dodging masts, ducking under rope and toeing around water spills. He was headed for the captain's cabin where he hoped he'd find Arlin.

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