Chapter Twenty-One

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"You can't leave," Andy said as he grabbed Arlin's wrist. Arlin turned back, raising his gaze to meet Andy's. They were inches apart, Andy's entire face went red and he let go of Arlin's hand and took a step back. "I mean..."

"You don't need me anymore," Arlin said, forcing his voice to be even as he did. "I said I'd help you get to Bebet and to find your sister. We're in Bebet and your sister is right there." He gestured to her huddled up with the others.

"Yeah, but—"

"I still have to make my way to Teri'are," he added, cutting Andy off. "I have to leave."

"Oh," he said with sad eyes. Arlin tried not to think about that. "Of course," he tugged at his ear in this awkward but endearing way. "Thank you. I meant what I said to my sister. I wouldn't have made it this far without you."

Arlin smiled. "It was fun."

Andy scoffed. "We almost died a dozen times."

"That's what made it fun." That made Andy laugh. Arlin was glad to hear it. Just one last time.

"So, how are you getting to Teri'are?" Andy finally asked as he recovered from his laughter.

Arlin explained, "Captain Vae should still be waiting for me at the harbour in Satou."

"How'd you convince her to do that?"

"Same way I convinced her to let us onto her ship," he said. "I'm blackmailing her father." The look on Andy's face had Arlin clutching his stomach in laughter. "You didn't think she just let her aboard her ship for free?" Andy shook his head but didn't say anything else. For a minute he just stared at Arlin. There was nothing bad about the way he was looking at him but something about it made Arlin uneasy. Andy's gaze was curious, trying to figure out who Arlin Kit was. Arlin had already shared more of himself with Andy than he had with anyone else. He didn't know if he could share anymore.

"What?" He folded his arms over his chest.

Andy's face went red again and he looked away. "Nothing," he said. "You're just full of so many surprises."

"And is that bad?"

He shook his head. "I like it."

Arlin smiled. He was going to miss teasing him. He leaned in and placed a kiss on Andy's lips. "Try to stay alive."


"We have to go back to the Island," Sage was saying when Andy finally re-joined the group. Without Arlin, Anna noted.

"Where's your friend?" she asked as she leaned closer to him.

Andy frowned before he said, "He left."

"Oh," she said because of the disheartened look of Andy's face. "I'm sorry."

He shrugged before turning his attention to everyone else. "We can't go back yet," he said.

"Why not?" Kol asked.

"Because he still doesn't trust my mother," Sage answered as she folded her arms over her chest.

"It's not that I don't trust her." It was exactly that, Anna could tell. She could always tell. And it didn't help that Andy wasn't as a good of a liar as he convinced himself to be. "It's just that there's still a lot of things that aren't adding up. I don't think we should go back just yet."

"If there are lingering questions," Sage had her eyes narrowed at Andy as she said this, "the answers are on Dorian's Isle."

"I agree with Sage," Anna finally said. "Whether there's something up with the Kuth or not, our focus should be on the gifts of Dello and returning them to him. I think going back is our best chance of doing that. We need answers and I have a feeling Nyx Logan might have some of them."

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