Chapter Five

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Sage Logan was a Kuth guard. She'd been training for it since she was fourteen. Dreaming of it since she was five. She was a Kuth guard and as a Kuth guard it was her duty to protect others. It was her duty to defend Dorian's Isle against all threats, internal or external. It's all she'd ever wanted to do.

She was the daughter of Nyx Logan, the great Nyx Logan. Captain of the Kuth. Top of her class when she was a trainee. Youngest guard to rise up the ladder and make captain. Trusted advisor to the empress. Sage had a legacy to live up to. The weight of which she felt on her shoulders every day. The pressure to never falter. To never make a mistake. She had to be perfect like her mother was perfect.

Sage couldn't stand her mother's disappointment. And she had disappointed her. Though Nyx had not said so in so many words. She'd barely said any words to Sage these last few days. That was how Sage knew she'd disappointed her. If traveling cross Omora to rescue the Echowoods and the young royals was what it took to finally gain her mother's approval then she would do it. She wouldn't let anything or anyone stop her.

"It's not too late," Salena said standing in the threshold of Sage's bedroom door. Sage had just finished packing. She hauled the stuffed backpack over her shoulder. "You could stay."

Sage frowned. "And do what?"

"Not risk your life," Salena answered. "For once Sage could you not risk everything for everyone but yourself?"

Sage clenched her fists and took measured steps towards her sister. "You expect me to stay here and do nothing?" Her voice wasn't harsh though it teetered there, she was trying to keep calm. Trying not to get upset with her sister. "Andy and Anna are in danger," she said. "Prince Kol and Princess Hae too. How can you possibly ask me to stay?"

"How could our mother let you go?" Salena cried.

"I'm a Kuth guard," Sage said simply. "She is my captain. And rescuing the Echowoods is my mission."

"She is your mother. Mothers are supposed to protect their children, not send them out into imminent danger."

"Lena..." her voice trailed. Salena was crying. Heated tears trailed down her cheeks.

"Please, Sage," she begged. "Don't go. Please let someone else do the saving for once. I don't..."

"I have to go."


"It's my duty," she said but it's not what she meant. She was going for more reasons than she had the capability to express. She was going because she liked Andy and Anna. She felt guilty for not doing more to protect them. Kol and Hae were her girlfriend's siblings, she knew how deeply Val was hurting over their disappearance and she wanted to help. She was going because this could finally be the thing that makes her mother proud of her. Duty? Was this what this was? "I have to go," she repeated.

Salena sighed exasperatedly. "Be safe," she made her promise. Sage promised.

The portal was opened. Sage stared at the swirling wisps of light and swallowed the lump in her throat. Her finger tightened around her backpack straps. Her nerves threatened to overtake her but she remained calm, reminding herself who she was. She was Sage Logan. Daughter of Nyx Logan. She was a Kuth guard. She had a duty. She could do this.

"Here," Nyx said handing her a small pearl-like sphere. It was a loh, key. A magical artefact to open up portals. The loh was connected to the mohr, gate, in the old stone building just outside the Kuth. The mohr was another magical artefact. One of the largest artefacts on Dorian's Isle. It was made of several monolith sized crystals suspended from the ceiling with steel chains. Unlike most gates the mohr was not tethered to another gate, meaning its opening was not fixed. The mohr could open up anywhere on or off Omora. The loh was used to bring someone back to where the mohr was.

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