Chapter Thirty-One

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Arlin stood on the front steps of a massive stone building. It reminded him of the old mansion he and Andy had stumbled upon in the Huneto forest, except this building wasn't falling apart. It stood strong and well kept. He was debating whether to knock or not. He'd used the locator spell to find Andy, it had led him here. Andy was in this building. Along with who knows how many other people. But there were people he was here to warn. He knocked.

A girl with black hair twisted into thick twists that framed her round face opened the door. She had chestnut skin, mahogany dark eyes and an upturn nose. She face scrunched up in detest as their eyes met.

"What are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you too," Arlin retorted. "I need to speak to Andy."

She folded her arms over her chest. "Why? How did you even find us? How are you here?"

"That's a bit of a long story. One I'll be glad to tell you as soon as I see Andy."

Arlin tried to move past her, he had to get into the house, Andy was so close but Anna put a hand to his chest, pushing him back. "You think I'm just going to let you in?" She scoffed. "I don't trust you. I have no idea how you got here but I'm telling you right now that if you try to get within a foot of my brother I'll break every bone in your body." Her eyes glowed with a golden hue of magic as she spoke.

Arlin flinched. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. I'm not going to let you hurt him."

"I'm not here to hurt him. I'm here to warn him, all of you. Something is coming. Just let me talk to him, just for a couple of minutes."

"Leave." She shoved him, not hard enough to topple him but hard enough that he stumbled back.

"Andy!" he yelled into the house.

"I told you to leave!" Anna's hands glowed a menacing tint. Arlin stepped back but he didn't leave. He wouldn't, not until he talked to Andy.

"Arlin?" a voice drew their attention. Andy stood in the hall beyond the door. His long curly hair had been tied in a bun, showing more of his face than Arlin was used to seeing. He'd changed from the clothes he'd been wearing the last time Arlin had seen him. He wore now a black tunic with a matching pair of trousers. "I... I didn't think I'd ever see you again," he said as he moved towards Arlin. He was smiling.

Arlin was smiling too by the time Andy pulled him into a hug. He was so warm and he smelt of lilacs and honey. "I missed you too."

"What are you doing here? I thought you going to see you grandmother."

"I found her, that's why I'm here. She told me you're in danger."


"Okay let's go over this again," Wenly said. He was standing by the door; across from him on the other side of the room was a fair haired elf with bright blue eyes.

"Like I've already explained," the elf said then sighed in exasperation, "you're all in danger."

"I got that part," Wenly said. "The part I don't understand is why we're supposed to trust you."

"He's not lying," Andy spoke up. He was standing next to the elf.

"I know you have ample reason to distrust me. I understand but—"

"I don't think you do understand," Wenly cut him off. "Your people have hunted and slaughtered my people for decades."

"Wenly," Theana said as she moved next to him.

"I just want to help," the elf offered.

"Why?" Anna asked. She sat on one of the drawing room sofas with her arms folded over her chest.

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