Author's Note

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Remember that time when I said I'm definitely not giving up on this story because I owe it an ending. Yeah...

Well... I sort have to give up on it.

1. I've started working on the second draft and I really want to focus on that right now, since I intend to get it published one day.
2. This story has so many plot holes and loose ends it's ridiculous. I didn't think through most of the plot points if we can say this story even had a plot.
3. I hate so many of the decisions I made with this book. Starting with the number of characters. I basically did the anime thing where I kept adding new characters because I thought it'd keep things interesting. Why? Idk.
4. I think my writing needs work. The amount of times I cringe whenever I reread anything I wrote.

I'm sorry. I really am. I hate it when authors don't finish a story I really like, now I feel like I'm doing that to you. But I'm honestly not proud of this book series and I want to be. I want it to be better.


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