Chapter Fifteen

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Sage Logan hid in the air duct above Commander Kyra Grydon's office. She watched through the small slits in-between the vent as two guards came and took Anna away. Grydon pressed a small button on the side of her desk and said, "Send her in." Sage realized it was an intercom when a minute later Layla Echowood walked into the room. She took a seat in the egg shaped arm chair Anna had been sitting in.

"Do you have it?" Grydon asked retaking her own seat in the glass throne-like armchair.

Layla reached into the pocket of her pants and pulled out a small silver ring. She placed it on the table without a word.

"Excellent," Grydon commented. "You've done well."

"That's it, right?" Layla finally spoke. "I'm done. That was the last one. You promised if I retrieved all of the gifts you'd—"

"I know what I promised," Grydon cut her off. "But this wasn't the last gift. We're still missing the amulet."

Layla frowned. "I delivered the twins, it's not my fault your people lost them."

Something flashed in the commander's eyes though her expression remained the same. Disdain. It was bitter and disparaging. But it was gone in a second. "I understand the failure was on our part," she said, "but our deal was for all six gifts. I'm sorry but until I have all six I can't give you what you want." Then she smiled. "But you're in luck. Your niece has agreed to retrieve the other half of the amulet for you. In exchange for her freedom as well as her brother's and... yours."

"She..." her voice trailed, as if she couldn't believe the words Grydon was saying. "I betrayed her," she finally muttered. "Why?"

"Love, why else?" Grydon replied. "You're her family. I guess she values that word more than you do."

Layla clenched her jaw. "Everything I've done has been for them. For him."

Grydon nodded. "I know. And think, you're so close to it. The end. Soon you'll all be reunited. One big happy family. But..."


"It's about our ally on the isle. They failed in killing the Empress."

"What am I supposed to do about that?"

"Nothing, yet." She leaned back in her armchair. "They'll make another attempt soon and when they do I need you there to enact the next phase of our plan."

"Why me?" Layla asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" she asked. "Your blood."

Layla didn't say anything to that.

"Now." Grydon rose to her feet. She picked up the silver ring from the table and moved to the wall behind Layla. The wall was bare all but for a single painting. It was landscape Sage didn't recognize. A forest with trees as large as the sky scrapers of New Emili. She ran her fingers at the bottom of the frame and pushed a small button. The painting swung open like a door, revealing a small steel safe. Grydon inputted the code, Sage had to squint to see what it was. 1300973432. She repeated the numbers in head over and over again. Grydon placed the ring in the safe before turning back to Layla. "I'll have someone bring you back to the island."

Grydon led Layla out of the room.

Sage forced herself to wait five minutes before she moved to kick open the vent. It fell with a resounding crush. Someone would be here to check what the sound was. She had to hurry. She moved for the safe, found the small button and inserted the code. 13-00-97-34-32 The safe opened. Inside were five pieces of jewellery. She had no idea how any of them were connected to the Foxton amulet but she understood they were important. She grabbed them all and stuffed them in her small pouch before climbing back into the air duct.

She had to get to Anna, she had to get to Andy. She had to warn them. She had to warn the empress. She had to stop Layla. 

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