chapter 2 :)

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"what?" y/n surprisingly said, she really wasn't expecting that i guess.

i looked her straight into her eyes, "break up with christ. he's toxic n/n, he called you a wh0r3 just for talking to me" i said, it benefits the both of us.. "not to mention that he ignores you so much" i added. man, i really hate christ..

i looked at her lips, i wanted to kiss them, but i couldn't.. something was stopping me, almost like the universe is telling me, "not now"

"i guess.." she said, grabbing her phone.

she opened her phone and started texting someone and i assumed it was her breaking up with christ.

mirabel bursted open the door, she saw me and y/n on my bed, "y/n!" mirabel excitedly cane up to her.

y/n hugged her back, "i'm breaking up with him.." y/n said to mirabel.

mirabel shoot up in excitement and it startled y/n, "YES. FINALLY" mirabel exclaimed, "ah! sorry, sorry. are you actually going to break up with him?" mirabel asked.

y/n put her phone up to mirabel's face, "i just did it" y/n said, with a sad but somewhat happy expression

-y/n pov-

i broke up with him... i feel lonely but free. i started having a weird feeling in my stomach, and no it wasn't butterflies because i got to see camilo, it was more like he opposite of butterflies..

camilo and i cought ourselves staring at each other again, i never really noticed how pretty he looks.. and those eyes... SNAP OUT OF IT Y/N!!

-camilo povvv-

mirabel and i just hugged her, finally, she got rid of christ. i looked at the clock, 4:56 p.m, almost dinner time.

"wanna have dinner with us?" i asked y/n. before she can answer, a burst of notifications popped up on y/n's phone.

camilo x reader :DWhere stories live. Discover now