chapter 8 :)

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-y/n pov-

camilo has been avoiding me for weeks, he still responded to my text messages anytime i texted him first, but i wanna talk to him face to face

i decided to take a small walk to clear up my mind, and maybe to see camilo and tell him that i love him and then after a while of being in the talking stage he'd ask me to get married and then we would have 2 kids and be happy-

okay, maybe im being a bit obsessed over this.. but oh well..

i saw camilo while i was on my walk. i marched up to him, he tried walking away but i grabbed his wrist, "CAMILO WILL YOU STOP AVOIDING ME!?" i yelled, "I WANNA TELL YOU SOMETHING!!" i added.

camilo looked at me, "what is it?" camilo asked me, looking a bit scared... understandable, this is the first time i'd ever yell infront of him, gosh.. i miss hearing his voice..

"i love you.." i told him, blushing really hard, i let go of his wrist.

"what..?" he asked me, he was red like- blushing, i looked at him.

i started fidgeting with my fingers, "i said i love you.." i lowered my voice.

camilo smile and pulled me into a hug, "i love you too mi amor" MI AMOR!! HE CALLED ME MI AMOR!! YES. YES. YES.

and then i woke up from one of my naps, great. it was a dream.. i wish it wasnt though

i texted camilo, that dream gave me sorta an

y/n: hey cami, can we meet up in the duck pond at 6:oo p.m?

camilo: sure thing :)

i put on my favourite outfit and did my hair, and brushed my teeth.

it was 5:50 p.m, i decided to go out to the duck pond, no one was ever there, honestly, that is a big surprise because the duck pond is so beautiful, especially in the sunset.

camilo got there in time with a bouquet of flowers, "for you madam y/n" camilo said, acting as if he never avoid me.

"what the f^ck camilo!?" i said to him

camilo x reader :DWhere stories live. Discover now