chapter 9 :0

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i just rlly wanna get this story done so i can make camiloxreader one shots 😿😿

-y/n pov-

"huh?" camilo gasped in surprise.

"why did you avoid me like the plague!? and now you're talking to me like nothing happened. what the heck camilo!?" i confronted him, "dont you know how much you hurted me!?" i added.

camilo hugged me, "honestly, i dont know.. and im sorry.. i just- i dont know.." camilo apologize, "im sorry y/n.. i really am.. i never meant to hurt you" camilo added.

i hugged him back, "well, who was that girl you were talking to?" i asked him in a soft tone.

"she's a friend of dolores, she likes me but she doesn't mean anything to me, i find her really annoying" camilo admitted to me

"well.." i started, pulling away from the hug.

"hm?" camilo questioned.

"i..i love you camilo!!" i blurted, "i really do love you.. you're all i think about now!!" i admitted.

camilo handed the me bouquet of flowers, "these are for you n/n.." he told me, i took the flowers and looked at him with a smile.

-camilo pov-

i smiled back at her, we were just two teenagers inlove..

we sat on the bench together. her head resting on my shoulder while i held her hand. the flowers were just laying on her lap peacefully, she'd always been pretty peaceful..

"wanna go on a date, hermosa?" i asked, looking at her beauty

she giggled, "isnt this already sorta a date?" she asked.

"yeah.. i guess you're right" i smiled at her, gosh, she just makes my day..

soon it became dark, but not DARK dark, but just dark enough where it was dark.

"let me take you home my hermosa" i said, i dont want her to walk alone in the dark..

i looked at her, she was red from what i just said, "o-okay" she said.

we got to her home, i kissed her in the cheek and them started leaving, "hermoso.." she called out, i stopped walking.

"what is it mi amor?" i asked her, turning myself to face her.

"well, my parents are off in a business trip right now-"

before she could finish her sentence, i instantly ran inside her house.

"oh dear camilo.." she sighed.

camilo x reader :DWhere stories live. Discover now