chapter 10

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-camilo pov-

me and y/n weren't a couple yet, we've been on a few dates but thats all. im planning to ask her to be my girlfriend but it just seems like i cant get the right time at the moment, it's been really busy since antonio's gift ceremony is tomorrow and y/n's parents came back from their business trip.

"oh y/nnnnn" i cooed out to her, opening the door to the nursery.

y/n came over to see mirabel, they've been hanging out a lot more recently, it's good for me cause i get to see my y/n!! well- she's not MINE yet.. "go away camilo, you're being annoying" mirabel said, y/n giggle because of what mirabel said.

"awhhh, cant i just talk to my sweet little n/n for a sec?" i asked, alright! today's the day i tell her!!!


or not i guess.

i rolled my eyes and just went to the kitchen to see if there's any food i can steal.

"about you and y/n.." a voice said.

i jumped because that was unexpected, i turned around "huh?" i said.

"when are you going to ask y/n out??" dolores asked.

i shrugged, "soon.. i just dont know when, i could never seem to find the right time" i said.


i went along to go grab some snacks and take them to my room so i can play some video games.

"F^CKING BULLSH1T!!" i yelled, i died.. again, "F^CKING BOZO!!! F^CK YOU" i raged.

after some wins and some more raging i ran out of food.

-y/n pov-

i could hear camilo rage, gosh.. he's scary when he's playing..

"camilo's playing cod again, isnt he?" i said, he really only plays cod, fortnite, and minecraft. he only plays minecraft when it's me or antonio or both of us, and he doesn't really rage in fortnite.. so it's definitely cod

mirabel shrugged, "probably" mira said.

we continued on with what we were previously talking about.

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