chapter 3 :0

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imagine still being sick 🤡 btw, this chapter is mostly in y/n's pov!!!!

-camilo pov-

y/n picked up her phone, an uncomfortable look went across her face. me and mirabel shared a look, i think we both know who was texting her.

she put her phone down and let out a big sigh, "sure, i'll stay for dinner", she started fidgeting with her fingers.

mirabel got up, "well, im going to prepare the table for dinner, wanna help me y/n?" mirabel asked.

-y/n pov-

"sure" i responded.

i got up and gave camilo one last hug, then left with mirabel.

we were in the hall, "you know" mirabel started.


"camilo is soft around you" mirabel said, "he treats you so differently versus when he's with other girls.. from what i can tell, you're important to him.. you guys are important to each other" mirabel added, i guess she's right about how he's special to me..

"what do you mean?" i asked, but we were already in the dinning room.

mirabel grabbed some plates and utensils and put then on the table. i set them up neatly in each seat, soon tia julietta and luisa put out the food on the table.

"mirabel, can you call everyone to dinner?" tia julietta asked mirabel.

soon we were all at the dinner table. i sat beside camilo and mirabel.

-after dinner cuz idk what to write-

-camilo pov-

she went home sadly and i just went to my room. i got ready for bed and went to sleep, well- tried to, thoughts of the text messages raced through my head. i picked up my phone and texted y/n

camilo: heyyyyy

y/n: hiii

camilo: whatcha doinggg

y/n: just texting you :)
y/n: how about you?

camilo: just texting this really pretty girl, her name is y/n

~camilo deleted a msg~

y/n: WAIT WHAT??

camilo: hm?

y/n: did you just call me pretty?

camilo: what do you mean?

i smiled to myself, i did call her pretty.. she's really pretty!! but i dont think she feels the same way, plus, it's too early for a new relationship.

y/n: nvm lmao
y/n: well, it's getting late!! you should gts

camilo: noooooo
camilo: i wanna talk to youuuu

y/n: well, if i gts will you gts?

i thought about it, it's a good deal!!

camilo: hmmmmm
camilo: yeah

y/n: well, good night!!

camilo: night bozo :))

i smiled thinking about her.. her beautiful hair and her eyes.. she's just so perfect..

it was the next day, i went out to y/n's place, and no i didnt even have breakfast yet, i did brush my teeth tho :D

"it's all your fault!"

camilo x reader :DWhere stories live. Discover now