chapter 11 (final)

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-camilo pov-

it was antonio's gift ceremony, im so proud of my little bro!! the only sad part was i didnt see y/n all day, maybe she was busy today?

i helped out around with the decorating, antonio wasnt around anywhere, probably just nervous.

"camilo, do you know where antonio is?" my mama asked me.

i shook my head, "sorry mama, i dont know, maybe check the nursery" i suggested.

"okay camilo, thank you" mama said.

(time skip)

i had to greet all the guest, i saw y/n in the line up so i got really exited and started speed running the guest greeting so i can get to y/n as fast as i can, soon i got to her, "why hello hermosa~" i said to her, kissing her hand, she blushed.

she giggled, "oh shush idiot" she said, giving me her cute smile, and she kissed me on my cheek, i felt my face grow red, she smiled at me.. SHE KISSED ME ON THE CHEEK!! LETS GOOO!!!

she went inside, the casita and thats the last time i saw her.

soon everyone was inside, finally, no more greeting people!! "50 years ago.." abuela started her speech, thats the boring part of the gift ceremony.

so turns out antonio can talk to animals and sh1t.. niceee, still not as cool as my gift.

-time skip to the party-

i tried to find y/n, i knew she would still be there because she adores antonio, i finally found her sitting outside of antonio's room, no one was there, she was alone.

i sat beside her, "hey hermoso" she said to me, waving at me.

i sighed, finally, it was my moment to tell her, "i wanna tell you something hermosa.." i started.

"what is it?" she asked me.

"i want you to be MY hermosa.. i want you to be my girlfriend" i said to her, i saw her blush.

"i wanna be yours too.." she said.

i got up, she got up too. i held her into my arms, we made eye contact, everything felt perfect.. "i love you mi amor.." i said to her, kissing her lips..

we went back inside and just started having a good time :)

-the end!!-

(btw im making a camiloxreader right after this :D)

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