chapter 6 :(

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this is a short chapter :D

-y/n pov-

"what are you smiling at?" mirabel asked me, looking suspicious

"oh! um, nothing!!" i smiled and put my phone away. i was smiling at camilo's text messages..

"mhmmmm.. nothingggg..." mirabel suspiciously said, i rolled my eyes in response.

i saw camilo and waved at him, but he just ignored me and walked back into his room.. how rude...

do i regret rejecting camilo? yes, yes i do.. but i dont know, i just feel like it's too soon for a relationship.. i thought of what camilo texted me earlier about a relationship between us..

we went to the nursery and sat down on the ground.

"i think i like camilo.. he's just so.. amazing and- and nice!!" i admitted, it's true.. i do like him...

"but didnt you reject him?" mirabel asked me, confused.

"um, well- yes, but i only rejected him because i didnt really know what to say, and i kinda just got out of a relationship" i rubbed the back of my neck, smiling to myself.

mirabel raised an eyebrow, "yeah, it would be too early for all that stuff" mirabel agreed with me

soon we got out of the nursery and started walking around the house, whenever me and camilo looked at each other he'd just go away, like he was avoiding me.. was it cause i rejected him?? did i do anything?? why was he avoiding me but not ignoring me?

camilo x reader :DWhere stories live. Discover now