chapter 4 :,)

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im speed running this now-

-camilo pov-

i turned around and saw y/n's ex.

"blame me all you want, y/n happier." i said to him, "especially since she's going to be mine soon" i added, giving him a killer look.

he looked pissed. i just went to y/n's place and knocked on the door, the door opened.

y/n opened the door, "oh hey cami" y/n said, rubbing her eye. she must've just woken up, well, it is only 6:30 a.m, the sun is still kinda just rising

my face must of visible brightened up, "wow, you seem happy to see me" y/n giggle. gosh, her giggle is so cute, "well, wanna come in?" she asked me.

before i could answer i could feel a punch i turned around and punched who ever it was back, he fell to the grown, it was christ.

"F^CK OFF WILL YA!?" i yelled at him.

"JUST FIGHT ME P^SSY" he yelled at me back.

-y/n pov-

the two boys broke into a fight, i just stood there, i couldn't move, everything was going to fast all i could do was laugh a bit. and then it hit me, camilo was pinning christ to the ground beating the absolute poop outta him, i took camilo away from christ.

i grabbed camilo's hand and took him to my bedroom. i sat him down and grabbed my first aid kit. sure camilo was winning the fight but he still got hurt.

"you idiot!!" i scolded him, cleaning up his wounds, "is tia julietta awake?" i asked him.

"ummmmm.. no.." he said nervously, "i kinda snuck out" camilo admitted.

i sighed in disapproval, "oh my camilo.."

after i took care of his wounds, we decided to take a small walk around time.

"how many fight have you been in??" i asked him.

he thought about it, "that was my first fight, why?" camilo said, HIS FIRST!? THERE'S NO WAY THATS HIM FIRST!! HE PRACTICALLY BEATED CHRIST'S BUTT!!

"thats a surprise.." i said, sorta in a whisper but at the same time it wasnt.

"how so?" he asked me.

"you practically killed his butt!!!" i said, honestly, i was really impressed..

he smiled, "naw, he's just weak" he told me, woooow, so humble.

"uh-huh.." i unsurely said.

camilo stopped in his tracks, "y/n.. there's something i wanna tell you"

camilo x reader :DWhere stories live. Discover now