Chapter 39: Namine's Destruction

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"Oh my~" Namine grinned amongst the rubble; her arms no longer looked human, and instead had hundreds of vines, protruding from each shoulder. Rena managed to just barely dodge her oncoming attack, slamming her fist on to the ground and causing a large shake of the ground that managed to crack apart and cast the light footed psychopath off her never-ending strikes of attacks. "How can an one-armed human have so much fight left? I have to admit, tickle me impressed."

Rena scowled, but made no move to answer as she flipped to the side, the weight of her dead arm tied to her side, throwing off her balance and causing her to land, clumsily to her feet. She wasn't used to fighting with her right arm, as her dominant had always been left, thus causing her Jutsu to be clumsy and very messy.

Rena suddenly found herself face to face with the narrowed eyes of her attacker, whose lips immediately curled into a smirk. "Very impressed indeed." Rena suddenly felt the feeling of vines, wrapping around the unbroken arm on her side. She felt her eyes immediately widen, unable to feel her breath as she felt the vines suddenly tighten. "But tell me, to lose one is devastating, but, imagine losing two. Oh dear me, princess. Dear me."

Rena pressed her leg in between Namine's wide stance, and quickly banged her head into the woman's whilst using the fine tipped sharp blade of her chakra to slice the vines, clean off of the woman's arm. Namine immediately jumped back, the stump of green hung off her arm.

"No, dear me, you freak."

"Don't be a racist," Namine retorted with a frown. Rena only smiled in return.

"Soon your race won't even exist, so what does it really matter?"

"Touché, my friend, touché."


Itachi jumped to the side, his Sharingan activated as he avoided Ryukyu's scythe. The boy was faster than Itachi had anticipated, and dodging his attacks was actually causing him to grow tired. He couldn't even go all out with Reira so close. If he were to use Amaterasu...he was afraid the flames would swallow her whole. He was afraid that she would let them.

"You're going easy on me," Ryu mocked, perching his schythe on his shoulders, his head tilting to the side. Itachi glanced to Reira, and Ryu followed his gaze before Ryu's expression turned to amusement. "Ahh, I see. You're worried about my sister, aren't you?" He took as step closer. "So you really do have the hots for her. As her brother, I have got to say that you have my blessing."

"You talk too much," Itachi said simply, as he raised his hands, moving them and quickly performing a Jutsu. Fire sprung from between his lips, headed straight for Ryu, who quickly slashed his scythe, cutting it open as wind formed into sharp edges around the blade. By the time the smoke cleared, Ryu was quick to notice that Itachi's form was gone.

"Are you hiding from me Uchiha?" Ryu asked, as his eyes scanned the area. He let out a hallow chuckle as his eyes set upon his sister before smirking. "But I know enough about you to know what will draw you out." He raised his weapon, appearing in front of his sister in an instant, his blade set for the kill as he began to lower it to the girl who didn't blink or look at him at all. Before he could get any closer to doing so, another's form stopped him, kunai in hand and Sharingan active. "Found you."

"Wasn't hiding," Itachi said simply, as his form began to lose its appearance and crows began to take form all over his body. Ryu's eye twitched as he attempted to move back, but Itachi's hands wrapped around the other's arms, keeping him still as the form began to break apart into at least fifty crows.

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