Extra::: WAMOS Behind The Scenes # 1

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         Julia Katamy sighed to herself as she was practically forced to glob down another Pocky stick. She just knew that she'd have to exercise her ass off just to get back down to her normal weight.

         "Nao-pyon looks scary," Julia said as she pulled off her best "Reira" voice as she pointed to her nose in a "cutesy" manner. At that exact moment Akemi, who plays Naomi Uchiha, accidentally began to choke on her water that she was drinking. Julia immediately broke her character. "Son of a bitch!"

         Akemi shot Julia an apologetic glance in reply as stopped coughing. "I'm sorry, Julia-san."

         "You realize that I'm going to have to redo this eating scene, right?" Julia snapped in an annoyed tone as she pouted to the table full of cakes and other all too sweet items. "How can a human eat all this shit? Seriously."

         At that moment Josh Katamy ran out of his dressing room and quickly hid behind his sister, further ruining the set, but neither of them particularly cared. Julia turned to her twin brother with a frown adorning on her face.

         "Save me from them, Onee-san," Josh ordered and Julia frowned slightly to herself as she scowled over at her brother.

         "Nightmare with yaoi again?" Julia asked as she sighed to herself. She didn't know what caused her brother to start having nightmares that paired him up with Kazuya and had crazy yaoi fanatics all over him, but Julia was always left picking up after his mess.

         The director was merely waiting for the teens to finish their spat before he began to yell at them. He learned the hard way before what it was like to interrupt Julia and Josh's sibling bonding/slight incest moments.


         "We have here the cast of "We're All Made Of Stardust", a new hit series that is going along with "How To Have A Heartbeat", I'm happy to inform you all that I have some of the cast of both dramas," said Samara, the host of the interview. She straightaway turned to Kazuya. "How does it feel to be the only character whose name stayed exactly the same as the name in the show?"

         Kazuya instantly blushed as the attention was focused on him. He backed away from the microphone that Samara suddenly raised to his face.

         "He's very shy," Julia pouted out instantly as she leaned her shoulder against her brothers. Kazuya blushed more as all attention turned on him.

         "Shy? How are you shy? You're the hottest and most arrogant character in the "Stardust" series," Samara asked and Kazuya sunk deeper into his seat.

         "Kazuya is complicated, so we usually shoot his scenes last. He closes up and acts like a zombie if he doesn't get the right amount of practice," Nina, who plays Kaoru, spoke up and smiled as Kazuya's face turned into an even brighter color of red. "But, he works the hardest out of any of us, so we can't complain." Kazuya smiled at the girl thankfully, but Julia ruined the moment.

         "Speak for yourself. I can complain plenty," Julia murmured to herself and Samara put the microphone next to her.

         "What are your complaints?" Samara asked as she was curious and antsy to find out any piece of gossip she could about the new actors and actresses.

         "Don't make a scene," Josh whispered in his sister's ear, which was promptly ignored. He didn't know why he tried anymore.

         "Well, for one. He messes up on all our scenes and makes me have to redo stuff," Julia sent a scathing glare towards Kazuya who was looking at the clock sheepishly. "It's annoying."

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