Chapter 33: Following A Shadow

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         Reira Kiseki furrowed her eyebrows in a way that slightly expressed her level of confusion as her arm was grasped firmly by Hikaru who dragged it, and herself, down the narrow hallway. Her arm had begun to become numb from the pressure of Hikaru's fingers, wrapped securely around her skin.

         The walls moved in blurred motions as the two sped past the walkway, and she didn't even know the direction they were moving towards anymore. She was completely lost and without direction, but Hikaru seemed to know the direction perfectly, so Reira couldn't complain about that bit at least.

         "I'm hungry, Hikaru," she whined and he scoffed in return, not answering for a moment.

         "Reira, I have so many more pressing matters to attend to, such as double crossing my friends, lying to everyone I know, and going through all these trials to save your life. I am doing all of that, for you. So, for once, shut up and let me have my moment of peace from your needy little stomach." Hikaru retorted, his annoyance not bothering Reira in the slightest.

         "Me having to spend five minutes of your lecture is just making my tummy more empty, and when my tummy is empty so is my heart," Reira complained, her voice trembled slightly and Hikaru gave a sigh of defeat.

         "...I promise that when this is all over I will buy you whatever you like," he said slowly.

         "It's bad luck to make plans for later," she whispered lowly, her cheeks puffing up in a pout. Hikaru groaned, turning a corner and taking her with him, which caused her to lightly slam her shoulder on said corner and trip. Hikaru's reflexes were faster that she would have thought, so he caught her and forced her legs upward with a strength she would not have thought possible since his arms were thinner and more feminine that her own.

         That thought made her slightly bitter. She had no doubts that his body would lure in more men than even her own. Even his hair was more luscious.

         "Your scowl is digging into my back, so I'd appreciate it if you would stop leering at me," he muttered lowly as they came to a stop in front of a door with two Shinobi guarding it.

         "Why are you so pretty?" She muttered with a tiny pout with her puffed up cheeks.

         "Really? Now is not the time," he said simply as he nodded over to the two guards who immediately opened the door, signaling for them to enter.

         The two entered and the door closed from behind them.

         "B-but it's not fair," she complained and she took a moment to examine her surroundings. It was dim, not exactly dark, but not bright. A torch lightly illuminated the small room, but it was still too dark to pick out any specific traits of the room.

         It didn't take Reira long to notice a captive, hung up by chains that suspended said captive in mid-air. Reira furrowed her eyebrows as she tried to pick out individual characteristics, but it was too dark and she was too tired.

         That was until the captive looked up, glaring straight into Reira's eyes and Reira began to wonder why bad things happened to good people. 


         Rena glanced over at the red barrier with utmost annoyance; even being mere inches from it pissed her off. The strength in the barrier was not a strength Reira very much liked. It didn't have the same aura as the Ryu she had known and this one was darker, as if some power was amplifying it. Rena didn't know if she could get passed it.

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