Chapter 8: That Almost Kiss

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            "You can leave now," Sasuke murmured, leaning back and forth awkwardly

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            "You can leave now," Sasuke murmured, leaning back and forth awkwardly. Reira puffed her cheeks out, but otherwise ignored him.

            "I believe I deserve at least a small thank you for escorting you home," she whined, making Sasuke roll his eyes. He was unable to hide that awkward blush. Reira found him adorable. If he was made of gummy bears she could eat him, but of course if there were any gummy bears period, she would eat them.

            "I didn't ask you to walk me home," Sasuke retorted.

            "You're much nicer when your brother is around," Reira pouted, this made Sasuke scowl.

            "You weren't annoying when I first met you," Sasuke replied.

            "That's not nice, and here I was, saving your life-"

            "You didn't save my life! I wasn't in any danger!" Sasuke snapped cutting the girl off. Reira tilted her head to the side with a small smile.

            "I'm sorry," she said, her voice suddenly sad. "I just wanted to be your friend. I don't have any friends, and I thought I could make some here." Tears started slipping from her eyes, she brought her hands up to wipe them. "I'll get out of your way now."

            Sasuke's eyes widened as he panicked, not knowing what to do. The words to come out of his mouth slipped out before he could think about them. "I'll be your friend. Stop crying!"

            "You're just saying that. You don't mean it," Reira sniffed.

            "No, really!" Sasuke looked around thinking of what to do with his eight year old mind. "Do you wanna come inside for something to eat?"

            Reira looked up with red eyes, "Really?"

            Sasuke sighed before nodding, "Yes...."

            She smiled, the tears disappearing as if they were never there. That was something Sasuke made sure to note. "Awesome. You're so nice, Sasuke-kun~!"

            "Were you faking those tears?" Sasuke asked after a moment of silence as they walked into the Uchiha's main complex.

            "Why would you say that," Reira cried again as if she had never stopped. "That's so mean."

            Sasuke paused, narrowing his eyes before deciding that she was just an idiot. She definitely looked the part. "Okay.... Big brother will be home soon."

            "Itachi-kun?" Reira said brightly, Sasuke's eyes narrowed.

            "You don't have a crush on my brother do you?" Sasuke asked. Reira tilted her head to the side as if she were thinking.

            "Well yeah, but I have a crush on everyone." Reira grinned, running to the kitchen. There was a young looking woman by the sink, doing the dishes. Sasuke was surprised that she flatly admitted it. A normal person would at least try to hide it.

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