Chapter 19: First Battle

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         “I don’t want my sister to fight,” Ryu said and Rena looked over at him incredulously before looking at the sleeping girl with the respirator on her face.

         “I don’t want to cause any harm to that idiot either, but in this case there’s no other options,” Rena snapped in a low tone so she wouldn’t disturb the sleeping girl.

         “I don’t want my sister’s life span any shorter than it already is,” Ryu snapped.

         “And you think I do?” Rena retorted back as she walked over to Reira. Her hands hovered over the girl’s chest and glowed a bright sky blue. “I can take away her suffering, but no one can get rid of her condition.” Rena mumbled with a frown as Reira’s rugged breathing began to slow to a normal rate. The beeps beeping every few seconds.

         “If I were to explain to Kyoya,” Ryu began, but was cut off by the look that Rena sent him.

         “You don’t think he knows...?” Rena trailed off with a sigh.

         “It’s already a long shot that my sister will live until 30. I don’t want that life span shortened any further,” Ryu muttered bitterly as he took a seat on the cushioned chair next to Reira’s bed. He didn’t seem to notice Reira’s eyes slowly begin to flutter open.

         Rena couldn’t say anything. She’d never had a sibling before. She didn’t know how it felt to see one like this.


         She knew what it felt like to loose someone, and she wasn’t happy that Reira was suffering. Reira was the closest thing to a sibling that Rena had ever had.

         Those who felt absolutely nothing for their teammates were nothing but trash. They were worse than trash.

         “I’m scared,” Ryu whispered as he pressed his head into his hands. He whispered this so low that Rena wasn’t even sure she heard him.

         Ryu wasn’t the type of person who was honest about what he felt. He was usually always joking and was hardly serious about anything. Rena hated that about him because she could never tell what he was thinking and right when she was close to figuring it out he would close up and she’d be unable to tell anymore.

         She hated that about him.

         He never told her anything. And yet, Reira knew everything about him while Rena was left in the dark.

         “Brother,” Reira whispered as she weakly moved the respirator. Ryu was by her side in an instant. He grabbed her hand and almost dropped it at the sudden chill of her icy cold skin. “I’m hungry.”

         A tiny smile lifted at her brother’s lips before he began to chuckle. His sister’s black void of a stomach never failed to amuse and amaze him.

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